Noun Tutorial Use this tutorial for extra practice! Mrs. Pritchard’s 8th Grade English Class
Common Nouns A common noun names any person, place, thing, or idea. Examples include: state, dog, museum
Proper Nouns A proper noun names a specific person, place, thing, or idea. Examples include: Kristi, Nebraska, Fluffy, and Smithsonian
Concrete Nouns A concrete noun names a thing you can see or touch. (tangible) Examples include: document, snow, crown, jewelry
Abstract Nouns An abstract noun names ideas, qualities, or feelings that cannot be seen or touched. Examples include: truth, courage, time
Compound Nouns A compound noun is noun which made up of two or more words. Examples include: housekeeper, showcase, football, volleyball Compound nouns may also be hyphenated or separate words. Examples include: mother-in-law, great-grandmother, dining room, music box
Collective Nouns A collective noun names a group that is made up of individuals. Examples include: committee, family, audience
Adding Plurals to Nouns To form the plural of a compound noun written as one word, add-s or-es. Examples include: footballs, rosebushes, passersby To form the plural of compound nouns that are hyphenated or written as more than one word, make the most important part of the compound noun plural. Examples include: great grandmothers, mothers-in-law, maids of honor
Possessive Nouns A possessive noun names who or what owns or has something. Examples include: Rita’s book, the book’s theme, the girl’s name 2. Don’t confuse a possessive noun with a contraction! Contractions are words that are formed from a noun and a verb “contracted” together. For example: it is= it’s, do not= don’t, Clark’s= Clark is Possessive nouns: its, Clark’s sweater
Appositive An appositive is a noun that is placed next to another noun to identify it or add information about it. An Example includes: My wife, Dolly, is my best friend. 4. An appositive phrase is a group of words that includes an appositive and other words that describes the appositive. An example includes: Kerry, my second daughter, holds the record in phone conversation lengths.
Appositives Phrases An appositive phrase is usually set off from the rest of the sentence with one or more commas. If, however, the appositive is needed to identify the noun or if it is single word, you do not use commas. James Madison’s friend Thomas Jefferson was president before him. OR Madison’s father, James Madison, was a plantation owner. **Since Madison had more than one friend, the name Thomas Jefferson is needed to identify this particular friend; therefore, no commas are needed.