Integration of organic egg and apple production Monique Bestman & Bart Timmermans 7 April 2017 European Union’s Seventh Framework Program for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613520
Poultry free range areas Free range area contributes to animal welfare Cover with trees, bushes or artificial is crucial Range 4 m²/chicken – farm with 10,000 chickens 4 ha Planting 4 ha with trees is high investment Add revenues to business model Introduce professional fruit trees in free range area
Cooperation fruit & poultry farmer Poultry farmer is owner/manager of fruit trees and hires fruit advisor Fruit farmer owns, manages & harvest fruits and pays rent
Concerns of different stakeholders Poultry farmer: No high additional costs Lack of fruit skills / expertise No veterinary risks Fruit related activities & machinery should fit in poultry system No harmful substances Fruit farmer: Trees demand good soil condition No long term experience with combination – business model Trees sometimes demand instantly actions – unlimited access Trees sometimes demand substances Hygienic production necessary
First results apple orchard in range area 6000 organic hens Orchard planted in 2010 1,4 ha apples in 2,4 ha range area Estimated harvest in 2016: 30-50 tons/ha depending on breed and location (=pretty good)
First results apple orchard Higher trees further away from stable Less insect damage closer to stable No scab closer to stable Effects chickens + machinery on soil worse close to stable
Recommendations Plant bigger trees compared to no chicken situation Cheaper & more robust trees closer to stable No machinery route close to stable Experiment diff breeds and rootstocks Keep on monitoring: Does it still work on long term? Distinguish season and chicken effects
Related example: broilers + cherries Orchard few years earlier than chickens Farmer owns/manages both chickens and cherry trees 20,000 free range broilers 550 professional cherry trees Cherry trees 25 % of farm income
Related example: mobile chickens + apples
Food safety Poultry manure and human food No contact fruit and soil No contact chickens and fruit equipment/machinery Juice is safe product (heating) Regulation not applicable on this specific combination, but farm sale in combination transparency about product origin important
Conclusions Professional poultry and professional fruit promising combination Long term experince necessary for judgement Less (chemical) problems in case organic
European Union’s Seventh Framework Program for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 613520