Curricular Progression Planning Evening for Third Year Welcome to our Curricular Progression Planning Evening for Third Year Good evening , my name is Barry Smedley and I am privileged to be the Head Teacher of the wonderful community that is Douglas Academy. I would like to extend a warm welcome to you to our Curriculum Evening for Parents and Carers of pupils soon to enter S3. The purpose of this evening is to inform you of the process of Planning for Curricular Progression into S3 which our young people will be following over the next weeks and on into S4 and the rationale which underpins the process. This evening there will be brief and hopefully informative presentations and contributions from myself and my colleagues, Joan Docherty and Jane Ionta. We will also hear a little tonight from current S3 pupils who are Ambassadors for ’My World of Work’. At the end of the evening there will be an opportunity for questions from the floor or if you prefer, to speak to one of us on an individual basis.
Different Context Curriculum for Excellence Broad General Education – S1 to S3 Senior Phase – S4 to S6 The first thing to note is that with the implementation of A Curriculum for Excellence, S1, S2 and S3 are now considered as a continuum and are referred to as the Broad General Education Phase. During this phase pupils are working on Experiences and Outcomes at level 3 and on into level 4. Additional challenge is provided in S3 by working at SCQF level 5 where appropriate. S4, S5 and S6 are referred to as the Senior Phase.
Broad General Education All 8 curriculum areas with some personalisation and choice in a range of ‘electives’ ranging from debating to app design and astronomy. Begin preparing young people for the Senior Phase – more depth S3 Profile informing final choices for start of Senior Phase As we shall explain this evening, in S3 we begin to introduce some personalisation and choice and specialisation, offering more depth, allowing our young people to stretch their learning into the level 4 Experiences and Outcomes and beyond into SCQF level 5 and in this way preparing our young people for the Senior Phase. The Senior Phase is defined as the stage of learning at which the relationship between the curriculum and qualifications becomes of key significance. At this stage of the curriculum it is expected that most young people will engage with the qualifications framework and that more formal assessment and certification will take place. As part of this process in S3 our young people prepare their S3 Profile which becomes a record of their latest and best achievements in a very broad sense, so not just their attainment but their skills, aptitudes and wider achievements (sporting, musical etc.) It is important to emphasise that under A Curriculum for Excellence it is at the end of S3 that young people now make their final decisions about which courses they wish to study at the qualifications stage.
CfE Curriculum Design LANGUAGES MATHEMATICS SOCIAL STUDIES HEALTH AND WELLBEING EXPRESSIVE ARTS RELIGIOUS AND MORAL EDUCATION SCIENCES TECHNOLOGIES Under A Curriculum for Excellence we are required to ensure that our young people continue to engage with all 8 Curriculum Areas up until the end of S3: Languages (includes English and Modern Languages), Mathematics, Social Studies Health and Wellbeing, Expressive Arts,, Religious and Moral Education, Sciences, and Technologies These are the 8 CfE Curriculum areas that influence the design of the curriculum that your child follows: In S3 pupils must continue to study under all of these areas. Languages includes English and the Modern Languages – French and Italian Maths Social Studies – History, Modern Studies & Geography Health & Wellbeing – Hospitality (Practical cookery) and PE Expressive Arts – Art & Design & Music, Religious and Moral Education Sciences – Biology, Chemistry, Physics and a Generic Science course. Technologies – Computing and Information Science, Graphic Communication, Practical Woodworking, Business Management and Administration & IT
Curriculum Pupils study 15 programmes of study in S1 Pupils then select 7 of the 9 programmes in S4 RE, PE and PSE are studied in every year throughout S1 – S4 In S1& 2 our young people study a broad range of programmes of study across the 8 curriculum areas so they have a broad base of experience and learning and the opportunity to experience what is on offer in Douglas Academy. At this stage in S2, pupils are asked to narrow this spectrum slightly and to choose 9 programmes of study that they would wish to study in more depth. This will allow students to build upon work completed in S1 and 2 by studying mainly level 4 experiences and outcomes in their chosen programmes of study in S3 with aspects of National 4 and 5 work to enhance these programmes of study and to prepare students for S4. Then at the end S3 they will select 7 of the 9 programmes they have studied in S3 to work towards a National 3, 4 or 5 qualification at the end of their studies in S4. This model takes the best aspects of our previous system allowing students to study in more depth the areas they will select to be certificated in in S4 but also allows students to follow the phillosophy of CfE and continue their broad general education of studying all curricular areas until the end of S3. On top of this all pupils will study a core education of RE, PE & PSE from S1 to S4
Programmes of study S3 – 9 courses @ 3 periods per week S6 – flexible provision Several years ago we moved to a school week which comprises of 32 Teaching Periods plus a Registration Period. Under A Curriculum for Excellence this allows us the flexibility to ensure appropriate programmes of study across all year stages, including S3 which is the last year of the Broad General Education Phase and on into S4 which is the first year of the Senior Phase. In Third Year our young people will follow 9 programmes of study, ensuring as I said previously, that they will maintain contact with all 8 Curriculum Areas including French. In Fourth Year our young people will follow 7 programmes of study at National 3, National 4 or National 5 levels. This still retains breadth across subjects, which is one of the strengths of the Scottish Education system, but it also increases exposure across all 7 subjects from 3 periods per week in S3 to 4 periods per week in S4 – this will allow for greater challenge and depth and will prepare our young people more effectively for the move to appropriate courses such as Higher in S5. In S5 our young people will continue to follow 5 courses at an appropriate level for 6 periods per week. In S6 our young people will continue to benefit from a more flexible provision which will help them to prepare for the move into the world of work or Further and Higher Education.
Relationship between CfE and Qualification Levels Higher National 5 ≈ 4th Level National 4 3rd Level National 3 2 2 early years 1 1
Assessment National Qualifications involve both internal and external assessment National 3 and National 4 are internally assessed and graded pass or fail National 5 has an externally assessed exam, assessed coursework or a combination of both. National 5 is graded A-D SQA will provide quality assurance & verification processes for internal assessment. Assessment as before will be a mix of internal and external assessment: National 3 and National 4 will be wholly internally assessed and completed on a unit by unit basis. The units will be assessed as a pass or fail, as will the overall course award. National 5 will include an external assessment provided by the SQA and the course will be graded A-D. All departments in the school will be involved in moderation processes to verify the standards of internal assessments and the SQA will also provide quality assurance and verification of these processes. It may be that a pupil finds National 5 challenging and it might be advisable to achieve Nat 4 in S4, move on to Nat 5 in S5 and work towards achieving a Higher in S6.
Course Choice Form Reviewed every year by SMT Designed to give widest choice Articulate with National Qualifications in S4, S5 and S6 Course Choice Form is reviewed every year by SMT through consultation with all subject departments. This year we have spent considerable time considering the options we will offer our pupils so that we continue to offer the widest choice we can with the resources available to us but we also understand that we must prepare our students for National courses, therefore, our agenda has been to offer opportunities to all our young people that include breadth of choice and depth of study. We will also ensure that where ever possible all programmes of study will allow for articulation and progression in S4,5 and 6
What to think about when choosing? Interest Strength Career aspirations Enjoyment Information in the ‘S2 into S3 Curricular Progression Booklet’ Careers advisor There is no set formula for this but in my experience: Students that have an interest or enjoy a subject tend to do well in that area because they are willing to put more effort into it. Is it a recognised strength from S1 and S2, again if they have an aptitude in that area they are more likely to do well in it. Does it link to a career aspiration, this again can be a strong driver to motivate young people. Pupils have been given the “ S2>S3 Curricular Progression Booklet” which gives you information about all the programmes of study on offer. The Careers Advisor offers Lunch time drop in sessions for pupils to discuss their career aspirations and routes for realising them. It is also important at this stage to understand whilst S3 is still part of the BGE, pupils should also be looking forward to what they would like to study across the Senior Phase so that what they choose now articulates with their aspirations for S4 and beyond.
Poor reasons for choice It’s what your friends are doing You like a certain teacher You were told to do it by your parents It sounds good but you have not really checked it out
Practical Woodworking (Music School) Art & Design F G H I Geography History Modern Studies Biology Chemistry Physics Science French Core Skills Business Management Computing Science Design & Manufacture Hospitality Practical Woodworking (Music School) Art & Design Graphic Communication Music PE Italian Administration RMPS Spanish C D E F G Geography History Modern Studies Biology Chemistry Physics Science Business Management Computing Science Design & Manufacture French Hospitality Practical Woodworking (Music School) Art & Design Graphic Communication Italian Music PE Administration Spanish RMPS Option Form: For this reason this slide shows both the S3 and S4 course planning forms to show how they articulate. You will find a copy of these forms at the back of the “S3 Curricular Progression booklet” It would be good if you could refer to this while I go through the next couple of slides. This slide doesn’t include Cols A & B because there is no option in those columns. English and Maths are compulsory until the end of S4. It is worth mentioning that this layout reflects the curriculum areas and determines the curriculum balance that all pupils must have.
How to choose? English and Maths must be taken by everyone and are in column A and B Everyone must choose Social Subject – column C Column D everyone must choose a Science Column E everyone must choose French Columns F, G, H & I everyone must choose one programme of study from each column Second choice in columns C, D, F, G, H & I Go through slide. Targeted students who require additional support with the skills of Literacy and Numeracy may be asked if they would like extra support in this area and take core skills instead of French. We endeavour to give all young people their first choices but ask that they input a second choice in columns C,D,F ,G, H & I It is worth mentioning at this point that although we will offer further choice at the end of S3 to reduce their courses from 9 to 7, pupils will be required to continue with English, Maths, one social subject and one science towards a National Qualification in S4.
Core Skills Offered to targeted pupils Supports the development of Literacy and Numeracy skills Pupils will only follow this programme of study in S3. Pupils taking Core skills in S3 will still study 7 National courses in S4 Core Skills This is only offered to targeted pupils who require additional support in the development of their Literacy and Numeracy Skills. Any student following this programme will not study French. This is a one year programme which will end at the end of S3 and these students will all study 7 National courses in S4.
Timeline Thursday 5th January – S2 Curriculum Evening Thursday 12th January – S2 Parents Consultation Evening. By 20th January: Pupil interviews with Guidance Teacher using draft (white) form. Friday 27th January: Deadline for final Option form (yellow) to be completed and returned with parental signature. Course choice planning & negotiations take place. Timeline: The first couple of entries on the timeline are tonight and the Parents consultation evening next week. Your child will get their initial option form (White) with their “Into Third Year “ booklet if they haven’t already got a booklet at home following tonight. They will receive this through their PSE lesson which will include an explanation of the process from their Guidance teacher This should be used to start planning their initial thoughts with your help. This White option form will form the basis of the Guidance Interview which should be completed by Friday 17th January. Late returns may result in pupils not receiving their first choice subjects if those subjects are oversubscribed. At the interview, the T Guidance teacher will discuss these options with the pupil and modify them appropriately. This process will be completed on a yellow option form and then returned home for a parental signature before those options can be finally input onto the system. The deadline for the yellow option form to be returned is Friday 27th January, 2017.
Guidance: S2 Option Choices Guidance Interviews (January) Mrs Wallace (2A) Mrs Halkett (2B) Mrs McKean (2C) Mr Gray (2D) Mrs Liddell (2E) Mr Quinn (2F) As I said every child will have a guidance interview with their guidance teacher (shown on the slide) and will have the opportunity to discuss any queries or uncertainties they have regarding their choices. Guidance staff will also answer any queries parents have as they go through the process. Myself and Mrs Docherty are also available when needed.
Guidance: S2 Option Choices Personal & Social Education Programme Careers Library You Can Do Anything Conference ‘Nationals in a Nutshell’ ( This however, is not really the start of the process for your child, they have had the opportunity to take part in a number of activities through our PSE and our “You Can Do Anything Conference” to start preparing them for this process starting. I hope this will be a relatively trouble free process for you all and my colleagues and I will be pleased to answer any questions you have at the end. I will pass to Mrs Docherty to tell you a little about reports and the parents evening.
Careers Advice Some useful websites for careers research:
Parents’ Evening Parents’ Evening appointment sheet given to all pupils this morning. Groupcalled prior to the Christmas holiday. Parents’ Evening next Thursday. S2 reports issued before the Parents’ Evening.
Practical Woodworking (Music School) Art & Design F G H I Geography History Modern Studies Biology Chemistry Physics Science French Core Skills Business Management Computing Science Design & Manufacture Hospitality Practical Woodworking (Music School) Art & Design Graphic Communication Music PE Italian Administration RMPS Spanish C D E F G Geography History Modern Studies Biology Chemistry Physics Science Business Management Computing Science Design & Manufacture French Hospitality Practical Woodworking (Music School) Art & Design Graphic Communication Italian Music PE Administration Spanish RMPS Option Form: For this reason this slide shows both the S3 and S4 course planning forms to show how they articulate. You will find a copy of these forms at the back of the “S3 Curricular Progression booklet” It would be good if you could refer to this while I go through the next couple of slides. This slide doesn’t include Cols A & B because there is no option in those columns. English and Maths are compulsory until the end of S4. It is worth mentioning that this layout reflects the curriculum areas and determines the curriculum balance that all pupils must have.