Leadership Summit September 9, 2017 Year Ended June 30, 2017
Our Responsibilities Perform an audit Provides reasonable, not absolute assurance Performed in accordance with U.S. generally accepted auditing standards Form and express an opinion about whether the financial statements prepared by management: Are materially correct Are fairly presented Conform with generally accepted accounting principles Communicate specific matters to the Board
Management’s Responsibilities Responsible for establishing and maintaining effective internal control. Making all financial records and related information available to us. Accuracy and completeness of the financial statements. Adjusting the financials to correct material misstatements. Informing us about all known or suspected fraud or illegal acts affecting MTNA involving management or employees. Informing us of your knowledge of any allegations of fraud or suspected fraud from employees, former employees, vendors, or others
Audit Approach Developing an understanding of your organization and the environment in which you operate Consideration of internal controls Determining materiality Risk assessments to determine audit areas most likely to be materially misstated Focus audit procedures and effort on those areas
Materiality Magnitude of an omission or misstatement that likely influences a reasonable person’s judgment Based on relevant financial statement benchmark We believe total assets is the appropriate benchmark for MTNA (2017 materiality was $56,000) Other areas less than materiality may warrant attention if qualitative factors are present (e.g., related party transactions, fraud risk)
Areas of Audit Focus Cash and investments Revenue recognition/Deferred revenue Revenues Expenses
Summary of Audit Communications to Board: Unmodified opinion on financial statements. Communications to Board: No material weaknesses/significant deficiencies identified in internal control No new accounting policies or changes to existing policies No transactions which lacked authoritative guidance No misstatements in financials noted No disagreements with management No difficulties in dealing with management
Changes in Assets Assets June 30, 2016 June 30, 2017 Change Cash and Cash Equivalents $1,764,000 $1,929,000 $165,000 Investments 2,594,000 2,992,000 398,000 Receivables 19,000 13,000 (6,000) Other Assets 50,000 69,000 Property and Equipment 46,000 47,000 1,000 Total $4,473,000 $5,050,000 $577,000 Source: Audited financial statements
Changes in Liabilities June 30, 2016 June 30, 2017 Change Accounts payable $21,000 $22,000 $ 1,000 Accrued expenses 131,000 152,000 21,000 Due to state and local affiliates 194,000 193,000 (1,000) Deferred revenue 926,000 913,000 (13,000) Total $1,272,000 $1,280,000 $8,000 Source: Audited financial statements
Assets and Liabilities (in Millions) Source: Audited financial statements
Net Assets at Year End Source: Audited financial statements
Statement of Activities Recap Source: Audited financial statements.
Revenues less Investment Income Source: Audited financial statements.
Membership Dues Revenue has grown by approximately $110,000 which was needed to keep pace with inflation using the Consumer Price Index. Source: Audited financial statements.
Expenses Covered by Dues Source: Audited financial statements.
Expenses Source: Audited financial statements.