Emission Control Strategy Evaluation FY16-17 PGA 582-16-61114-02 Task 1.1 Emission Control Strategy Evaluation John Grant, Sue Kemball-Cook and Greg Yarwood Ramboll Environ January 31, 2016
PREPARED UNDER A GRANT FROM THE TEXAS COMMISSION ON ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY This presentation was financed through grants from the State of Texas through the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality. The content, findings, opinions and conclusions are the work of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent findings, opinions or conclusions of the TCEQ.
Local Emissions can Influence ozone at Killeen and temple Monitors 11 ppb from local emissions KTF Area ozone mostly due to transport, but local emissions can make a substantial contribution Local emission reductions reduce size of green bar
Control Strategy Evaluation Method Local emission control measures that reduce ozone precursors Bell, Coryell, Hamilton, Milam, Mills, San Saba, and Lampasas Counties Ozone formation in the KTF Area is limited by the amount of available NOx Abundant biogenics mean there is typically sufficient VOC to form ozone Focused on NOx emissions reductions Reviewed air quality plans for other areas of Texas and rest of US Evaluated potential KTF Area emission reductions, feasibility, cost effectiveness Each of the control strategies is locally enforceable and meets State Implementation Plan criteria: quantifiable, enforceable, surplus, and permanent Developed ranked list of measures
KTF Area 2012 NOx Emission Inventory On-road vehicles, off-road equipment
Control Measure Summary
Other Sections of Control Strategy Evaluation Report Review of KTF Area 2012 NOx emission inventory Power plant emission trends New Panda Temple EGUs not in 2012 inventory Results of survey of KTF Area cities/school districts/airports Current/planned programs that may improve air quality Review of recent rulemakings on air quality that may affect the KTF Area
TERP Programs Texas Clean School Bus Program: Reduce emissions from diesel exhaust from older school buses through retrofits. Currently closed. New Technology Implementation Grant (NTIG) Program: Assist in the implementation of new technologies that reduce emissions from point sources. Currently closed. Texas Clean Fleet Program (TCFP): Funding for owners of large vehicle fleets to replace heavy-duty and light-duty on-road diesel fleet vehicles with alternative fuel and hybrid vehicles. Currently closed. Texas Natural Gas Vehicle Grant Program (TNGVGP): Funding for repower of heavy-duty or medium-duty vehicles with a natural gas engine or replacement with a natural gas vehicle. This program is accepting applications; the application period is expected to close on May 26, 2017. Clean Transportation Triangle (CTT) Program: Funding for natural gas fueling stations. Currently closed.
CTCOG County TERP Eligibility 26 http://www.tceq.org/airquality/terp
Texas Natural Gas Vehicle Grant Program (TNGVGP) Application Opening: Now until May 26, 2017 (may close early if allocated funds are granted prior to May 2017) Target Emission Sources: Heavy- and medium-duty diesel or gasoline vehicles (>8500 lbs GVWR) Target Applicants: owners, lessees, or those who commercially finance a heavy-duty or medium- duty vehicle that is operated in Texas Grant amount: Maximum eligible grant amount is up to 90% of the incremental cost for the replacement or repower Technology: New natural gas vehicles (at least 75% of vehicle power must be from compressed or liquefied natural gas) Project Selection: First-come, first-served Additional details available at TNGVGP webpage: https://www.tceq.texas.gov/airquality/terp/tngvgp.html Content slide Content slide
Federal Programs: EQIP and DERA Grant funds are available under the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) for a variety of agriculture resource conservation activities, including diesel-fueled agricultural equipment replacement. http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/main/national/programs/financial/eqip/#links EPA issues Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) grants and rebates under the National Clean Diesel Program to reduce emissions from diesel engines. Projects eligible to apply for funding include verified engine retrofits, engine repower, vehicle or equipment replacement, idle reduction technologies and verified aerodynamic and low rolling resistance tires. Eligible vehicles and equipment include school buses, heavy duty trucks, locomotives, and marine engines. Eligible applicants include regional, state, local or tribal agencies and nonprofit organizations or institutions. https://www.epa.gov/cleandiesel/clean-diesel-national-grants