Continuous professional Development Unit 9 Engage in professional development Continuous professional Development Samantha Emsley
What is professional development Unit 9 1.1 CPD is an acronym for Continuing (or Continuous) Professional Development. It is any type of learning that you do to increase your knowledge, understanding and experiences of a subject or role.
CPD is an on-going, mostly planned learning and development process. It focuses on what you learn and how you develop. It may include a formal process of recording it - like diaries. You are probably already undertaking CPD without even knowing it.
Examples of CPD include: In placement (with supervision) Completing a professional qualification – eg: Introduction to Level 2 early years Educator Informal or experiential learning (which takes place through life and work experience) – eg: helping in youth club Reflective thinking based on planned and unplanned experiences
will give you confidence in your role. Why is CPD important? Continuous Professional Development: Provides knowledge to help deal with new or difficult situations. Like discussing a child with their parents. can help your career goals by focusing on specific learning and development. will give you confidence in your role.
Whose responsibility is CPD? CPD is everyone's responsibility. Your manager should empower and support staff development. There is no one size fits all however, no matter where you are in your career or learning, CPD is yours and should reflect your learning needs.
Skills needed to work with children Work placement to prove you have real life experience. Confidence and ability to respond to children and their parents, which you will attain from College knowledge and placement skills. Understand child development so that you can plan and support children inclusively.
What you will need to consider for effective CPD Feedback – you need to know what you do well or need to improve on to create a positive, quality driven service. Your own beliefs and values – not everyone thinks or behaves like you – you must learn to accept and respect.