Classroom News November 7th -11th , 2016 Mrs. Dugas Mark your calendar


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Presentation transcript:

Mrs. Dugas – Classroom News November 7th -11th , 2016 Mrs. Dugas – Mark your calendar * A peek at the week + Math: estimate sums by rounding add ones and tens without regrouping add regrouping ones as tens find hidden info. in problems Religion: Understand sin and forgiveness from God Science: Matter Reading: Story: “Ronald Morgan goes to Bat” Review contractions Review sequence Language: Identify possessive nouns Spelling: Contractions Phonics Review unit 3 on blends, digraphs, and r-controlled vowels identify contractions and 2 words they stand for Tues., Nov. 8 – no bus service; progress reports emailed Wed. Nov. 9 – mass 8:30 a.m. Thurs. Nov. 10 – Co-op Thanksgiving dinner A Note from Your Teacher: n Please continue checking your child’s homework notebook before he/she turns it in. If an assignment is incomplete or incorrect, I will write for the student to re-do it in the notebook. Please make sure this is corrected when needed. Have a great weekend and upcoming week! Mrs. Dugas * r November birthdays z Madeline – 7th Tripp – 24th

Mrs. Dugas – Test Schedule November 7th – 11th th Mrs. Dugas – Upcoming Tests: Wednesday Timed quiz (25 problems in 4 min.) Phonics unit 3 test (Complete odd numbers on p. 89-90 for a good review of the unit.) Thursday Language quiz on possessive nouns (Look over p. 104-107 in green grammar book) Math test on addition with regrouping (Look over p. 43-47 in little math workbook. Friday Spelling test Reading test on “Ronald Morgan goes to Bat” Spelling words: n I’ll wouldn’t wasn’t shouldn’t it’s where’s he’s I’m didn’t who’s she’s we’ll isn’t hasn’t hadn’t r Notes: Please have your child read “Ronald Morgan goes to Bat” each night next week. If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact me! Vocabulary words great certainly laugh you’re terrific either worst second clutched spirit z

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