Agricultural Career Network
Ag CN Purpose The purpose of the Agricultural Career Network is to improve the quality, service and reach of FFA. Data collected through the network will help document the impact and relevance of FFA and agricultural education programs, drive FFA program improvement and build a growing base of support for agricultural education at the local, state and national level. There was a need to gather all information, reports, applications – so teachers and students can come to one location to obtain what is needed. Feedback we receive from students and programs provides us the information we need to gain funding and support for programs and resources for the future. Assists us in identifying needs as we assess current and future programs. The data will assist us in determining the need for additional programs and resources in a specific area.
With just a click of your mouse Log in to create and track the success of all your Agricultural Students Access a new and improved membership system Plan and report on the success of your program Career cruising. Ag Careers. Com, student portfolio
Create and Track Success Agricultural Education - Success Track Agricultural classes Coursework Agricultural Contacts Agricultural Supporters You have access to yours as well as those of your students This also will continue to expand over time to increase the productivity of the program and success of your students
Create and Track Success FFA - Success FFA Activities and Awards Degrees – Manage and track the attainment for degrees
Create and Track Success Personal - Success School and Community Service Scholarships Internships Careers Scholarships available to students and alerts them to apply by utilizing their information will role into the application. In another year it will provide their SAE and other activities into the application. Post resumes to Ag with opportunity of providing a posted resume. Eventually it will prompt those students in a career pathway of internships and openings avialable
Create and Track Success Through Partnerships with Career Cruising and Uncover your students strengths as well as likes/dislikes Create career plans based on agricultural pathways Expose students to available postsecondary education, internships, and companies Lesson plans will be available to integrate career success in the classroom and could be provided to substitute teachers when needed
Career Planning Landing Pages Student Instructor
New and Improved Membership System Ag CN – Portal Driven System Students maintain own portal Completing rosters simplified Instant access to rosters and invoicing Maintain Alumni membership in the same place
Plan and Report on Program Success Planning Students control SAE success Link to supporters in your area Understand the career goals of each student and develop classwork Receive notification of students progress SAE- ability to complete and add SAE information into the system If you have AET system it will automatically generate the summary information into AgCN In the future it will alert the student as well as the teacher so you can continue to encourage them to advance As a teacher you will be able to understand the student career goals through the assessments through Career Cruising. Helps you link to supporters in your community to those who have entered the Community Portal. They have identified their strengths, businesses, willingness to assist and participate. Community Portal will be up and running this fall. Data can be generated from the student SAE reports for you as a teacher to provide information to key school and community based partners to show the economic value the Ag Education program provides to the communty through experiential learning.
Plan and Report on Program Success Reporting Create reports on your students successes Future graduates – achievements How your program benefits your community Teacher benefits: Certificate printouts for degrees and awards (Type in names and print the group) Membership cards, parent contact information and letters, trip permission forms Reports on graduates at the end of the year, percentage of students that continue on to post secondary education. Reports of how your program assists the community in financial support, service projects, school activities
Who will have access? the FFA Agricultural Career Network consists of portals: Portals- specialized log-in access for each stakeholder group. Instructors Students FFA Members and Ag Ed Students Parents/Community State Leaders Alumni What ever ‘role’ you play in the ag ed world there is a portal just for you! We know security is a huge concern with technology, we can guarantee you that this system will be secure and keep your information and your student’s information confidential.
Now, where do I go and how do I submit this to National? How do I access it? PeopleSoft Paper Now, where do I go and how do I submit this to National? Microsoft Excel Templates Third Party Sites Fillable PDF and Web applications
Ag CN provides single sign-in Ag Career Network allows you to logon through FFA.Org to access all its various features. Type into your web browser or search engine.
Log-in Contact your state staff for credentials – Username and Password Go to Upper left-hand corner click on My Ag CN or select Sign In From the main page, select the My Ag CN tab in the upper left hand corner or Ag CN Sign In at top If you have never established a MyFFA account in the past, please contact your state staff for credentials If you have previously established a MyFFA logon, simply logon with current user name and password. Forgot your information – select the Sign In and reset our password using previous MYFFA email address
Enter Membership – AET Users Select Switch to Clipboard Click on Import From AET These systems “talk” with each other Proceed and enter your information in either system. While AET (and others potentially) will have electronic interfaces to Ag CN data to include all the summary data required for award/degree applications, etc., those same summary fields will be available for "manual" entry of the data by students, with advisor "approval" of the data recorded. AgCN will currently sync roster information and profile pages. The syncing of SAE information will be post August 15 as we seek to solidify the core functionality.
Student Invitation to join Ag CN Will invite students to log-in to their own portal on Ag CN. Invitations will include individual credentials for each student. Once inside Ag CN the student will be asked to choose a user name and secure password
New Features for Fall 2012 SAE - Alumni - Community and Parent Portals
Soon to be Released Shop FFA / PeopleSoft Integration of existing external application Scholarship CDE Registration Convention Registration Grant Management / SAE Grants Degree / Proficiency Applications
Soon to be Released Pro-Active Alerts Mobile Application Ability for states to contact end users directly through portal ( emails, texts, etc.)
What questions do you have? Future Questions: Ag CN FAQ available online as well as this presentation – Q: Is AgCN smartphone compatible? A: It has the capability to be but is not currently and would need sufficient funding for that to occur.