Do Now: Analyze the following quote Learning Target: I can develop a plan to improve the conditions of the Industrial Revolution during the Progressive Era Do Now: Analyze the following quote “The man who has millions will want everything he can lay his hands on and then raise his voice against the devil who wants ten cents more a day.”-Samuel Gompers
Progressive Era Time period after the Industrial Revolution in which reformers, usually middle and lower class people advocated for change towards the issues created during the Industrial Revolution. Progressive
Activity Activity: It is 1901, and Theodore Roosevelt has suddenly become president. You and all Americans are counting on him to help end the issues of the time period. You’re anxious to see what actions the new president will take to address these problems. Analyze the following images as well as the context information provided to determine the following: The problems of the time period How would you solve these problems? How would you make these problems aware to people who may not be aware of these issues everyday people/government? What qualities would a leader need to tackle such problems? What might be the cause of these problems?
Summary Question Write a prediction. Do you think the reformers of the Progressive Era will be successful in their push for change against the corrupt businessmen of the time period? Explain why or why not.
Harsh working conditions, long hours low wages Unsafe working conditions Child labor Unsanitary cities and living conditions Unfair business tactics, monopolies Businessmen taking advantage of lower class and government