Blessed to be a Blessing. Session 2: When Heaven Touches Earth (Luke 9:1-6)
Heaven Touches Earth Temple curtain torn in two (Matthew 27:51) God can be approached (Hebrews 10:19-22) God can no longer be contained within the Holy of Holies (Pentecost) God’s temple is: His people collectively (1 Corinthians 3:16) His people individually (1 Corinthians 6:19)
The Commission (Luke 9:1-6) An extension of Jesus’ ministry. Power – the ability to accomplish the task. Authority – the right to do it. Ministry to drive out all demons, cure diseases, proclaim the Kingdom of God, and heal those who were ill. The disciples were doing what Jesus was doing.
Healing Ministry Gift of the Holy Spirit ‘To another the gifts of healings (or cures) by that one Spirit’ (1 Corinthians 12:9). Healing of body, mind, emotions and spirit. Healing and wholeness cover a range of ministries eg. medical professions, counselling and prayer ministries.
Healing Ministry Accompanying gifts of: Miracles Discernment Knowledge Faith Tongues Part of the normative ministry of the church
Ministry in the Church Preaching Intercessory Prayer Services of Holy Communion Prayer ministry teams Prayer groups Pastoral visits Counselling Open Church/prayer trees/prayer boxes
Ministry in the Community Chaplaincy Prayer on the streets Psychic Fairs
Training and Accreditation Follow protocols Safeguarding Identifying those accredited with badges Do not be invasive or threatening Laying on of hands/anointing with oil Personal hygiene