Stronger: Sunday 26th February 2017
Stronger: In prayer & fasting In vision In unity In honour, purpose & community In giving In love, joy & peace In discipleship
Stronger: 2 CORINTHIANS 12 vs. 9-10 “ For when I am weak, then I am STRONG “ At the end of this series, the HEALTHIEST place we can be is : Weak, Empty, Hungry, Powerless – OPEN, PLIABLE & AVAILABLE !
Stronger: THE FATHER – is the potter (Isaiah 64:8 & Jeremiah 18:1-6) JESUS – in the midst (Revelation 1: 10-17) HOLY SPIRIT – like a mighty rushing wind (Acts 2: 1-4)
Stronger: THE FATHER is the potter (God active in THE HOUSE) Isaiah Chapter 64:8 & Jeremiah 18:1-6 The prophets messages were often full of warnings, anger & direction, but here is the FATHER’S TRUE HEART The target of the message is His people, those He wants to bless, be intimate with, mould, change, shape, strengthen & equip. FROM PROPHECIES to A PRAYER Vs 8 – But now, O Lord, You are our Father; we are the clay & you are the potter, and all we are is the work of your hand
Stronger: JESUS in the midst (God active in THE HOUSE) Revelations Chapter 1: 10-17 The book of revelation opens a window on, things to come, on heaven, on glory, but right at the outset focuses in on THE CHURCH or actually Churches. Vs 13 – and IN THE MIDST of the seven lampstands ONE like the Son of Man. His presence is a reality
Stronger: HOLY SPIRIT like a mighty rushing wind (God active in THE HOUSE) Acts Chapter 2: 1-4 All in one accord, united in seeking God & wanting His power When He comes in power it effects us “body, soul & spirit” The POWER Fall-out: Acts 2:13-18
Stronger: Holiness in The House Acts 4:33 to 5:15 So in the moulding, the presence, the power, there is a result other than healings, salvation & miracles HOLINESS – the Father wants us to be like His son (Gal:5 22-23) The fruit of the Spirit growing, evident amongst us.