The Capture of Fort Ticonderoga May 10, 1775. Led by Ethan Allen with Green Mountain Boys. Benedict Arnold did not lead. Captured fort and CANNONS without firing a shot.
The Battle of Quebec City Dec 30-31 1775 Led by Benedict Arnold. Failed to capture the City. Arnold wounded and fought bravely.
The Battle of Brooklyn Heights Aug 27, 1776
The Battle of Brooklyn Heights -continued Outfoxed by Howe, U.S. defeated badly. Hessians butcher U.S. Army. Thanks to fog and night, Washington leads escape to Manhattan.
Brooklyn Heights, NY Today
The Battle of Trenton, NJ Dec 25-26, 1776 After defeats at Brooklyn, Harlem, White Plains Washington only has 2,500 soldiers and almost no supplies or money.
The Battle of Trenton, NJ - continued Plan to sneak across the Delaware River Christmas night and capture Hessians at Trenton. Capture Hessians and THEIR STUFF, don’t lose a man!
After Trenton Britain divides its forces. Howe will march through Pennsylvania destroying Washington’s Army while General Johnny Burgoyne will march south from Montreal attacking U.S. General Horatio Gates (who has Benedict Arnold with him). The two armies will rendezvous and destroy the Americans once and for all…. AT LEAST THAT’S THE PLAN.
The Battle of Saratoga, NY October 17, 1777 No Rendezvous. Burgoyne is alone. Last minute bravery of Arnold wins us the Victory, 6,222 British surrender. Lead to French alliance in 1778! Turning point of the War!
The Battle of Saratoga Monument. The Monument to Arnold’s leg. Why no monument to him? The Battle of Saratoga Monument. Saratoga Monument: Benedict Arnold’s Boot but his name is not on this Monument. Why?
Valley Forge Encampment Winter 1777- Spring 1778
Valley Forge Encampment ¼ of the American Army FROZE TO DEATH! Citizens rounded up food and supplies to help the army. The bravery of those that stayed inspired others to join the fight for liberty. Portrait of Baron von Steuben. December 17, 1777 - At Valley Forge in Pennsylvania, the Continental Army led by Washington sets up winter quarters. February 23, 1778 - Baron von Steuben of Prussia arrives at Valley Forge to join the Continental Army. He then begins much needed training and drilling of Washington's troops, now suffering from poor morale resulting from cold, hunger, disease, low supplies and desertions over the long, harsh winter.
THE FRENCH ALLIANCE! February 1778 Franklin used his charm, fame and the newspaper article about Saratoga. Louis XVII signed the Alliance. Soon we would have supplies and French help!
Benedict Arnold: Betrayed us for love of Peggy.
Benedict Arnold betrays the U.S. Sept. 23, 1780 Planning with Peggy’s old friend Major Andre of the British Army. Arnold plans to turn over Fort West point to the British. Washington miraculously shows up and stops it.
Ft. West Point overlooks the Hudson River. Benedict Arnold was given Command.
The Maps Drawn by Benedict Arnold found in the boot of Major Arnold of the British Army.
Benedict Arnold’s supposed last words uttered on his death on June 14, 1801.
U.S. Military Academy at West Point
The Battle of Cowpens, SC. October 17, 1780 1/3 of Cornwallis’ Army destroyed! The Battle of Kings Mountain, NC. Jan 17, 1781 General Morgan defeats Col. Tarleton’s Cavalry. Pushes Cornwallis to Virginia Coast.
The Battle of YORKTOWN, VA Oct 19, 1781. Cornwallis trapped by French Fleet and American Army. Cornwallis surrenders, ending Revolutionary War. Leads to Treaty of Paris in 1783.