Health for tomorrow … Health forever … Making change happen ! Domus Medica – Microsoft – Siemens 15/4/2010 Copyright © Siemens AG 2009. All rights reserved.
HealthVault ®, Case Records, Electronic Health Records – Placement & Positioning E-Health Providers Regulators Payors HIS/EMR Case Records Professional EHR Disease-Management PHR … Citizen HV Fallakte (linker, roter Bereich) -ist eine medinzinische Akte für einen konkreten Patienten und Behandlungsfall, - Daten werden in KH gehosten - keine zentrale Ablage - Löschung nach Behandlungsende - professionell Gesundheitsakte (rechter gelber Bereich) - Daten in Hoheit der Versicherungen eGK - Patient hält Schlüssel zu Daten - Arztzentrierte Datenablage (Ausnahme Patientenfach zur Datenübergabe an konkreten Arzt) - Pflichtanwendungen für den Patienten VSD, eRezept - freiwillige Anwendungen: limitierte Notfalldaten/Organspendeausweis auf Karte, eMedication etc. Wellness and Prevention Sensors & Devices Wellness Apps
Medical Office Building eHealth is Cooperation and Process Integration among all Healthcare System Partners Pharmacy Hospital Assisted Living Medical Office Building Payors Patient‘s Home Outpatient Center Siemens has a clear eHealth vision and global implementation experience Microsoft is in touch with 99% of IT stakeholders, has existing use cases and applications in market
… Health Vault ® Ecosystem and Go to Market – Model and Roles Application Partner Providers Payers Regulators / States Solution providers Application development Application integration Application operation End-user marketing End-user support PHR Remote Monitoring Fitness Wellness Behavior Modification Chronic Disease Management Diet and Nutrition Partner Applications utilizing the Platform and Devices Connect to… Physicians Pharmacies Hospitals Labs Health Plans 119 live applications today plus over 100 “child” applications to those applications in the U.S. Technology Supplier Localized technology G2M-partner support Exclusive Service Provider (national) Platform operation Partner marketing Partner on-boarding Partner support Microsoft HealthVault is an online personal health database with a set of XML interfaces that allows third parties to create valuable health, wellness, and fitness services for HealthVault users. HealthVault Connection Center is a utility that allows users to add data from health and fitness devices such as heart rate monitors, blood pressure monitors, peak flow meters, glucometers, and pedometers. 53 HealthVault-compatible devices today (44 of which are certified) Device Partners Device development Device marketing Device integration End-user support … 3
Belgian stakeholders and strategies INAMI, Mutualities, E-Health, care providers agree to build a shared view of the patient administrative & medical situation by building bridges between existing distributed information and services They agree on multidisciplinary approach for healthcare (trajet de soins) Until now, nobody has really thought about how the patient could be involved Mutualities want to stay as close as possible of their members G.P. is the orchestrator and the platform is an opportunity for more visibility INAMI funds healthcare and needs to enable patients to create value – essential to the success of preventive care and disease management
Chronic decompensated heart Opportunities Source Ri De Ridder (INAMI) 7/2/09 Diabetes type 2 Chronic renal failure Chronic decompensated heart Asthma Osteoporosis Depression