LASER SAFETY External EHS Expert Panel Workshop


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Presentation transcript:

LASER SAFETY External EHS Expert Panel Workshop


LASERS @ ELI L1 Developed in-house 100 mJ / <20 fs / 1 kHz / 850 nm E1 hall beamlines – PXS, SRS, HHG


LASERS @ ELI L1 L1 oscillator room L1 Main Hall Thin disk pump laser 4 (450 mJ) Thin disk pump laser 1 (17 mJ) Thin disk pump laser 2 (55 mJ) Thin disk pump laser 3 (130 mJ) L1 oscillator room L1 Main Hall

LASERS @ ELI L2 Nanosecond OPCPA pumped by DPSSL Technology development beamline PW pulses <15 fs, rep rate 10-20 Hz Pump laser using cryogenic Yb:YAG DPSSL technology developed by STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Implementation in two stages Stage 1: Pumped by existing 10 J 10 Hz laser Stage 2: Pumped by 100 J 10 Hz laser developed by STFC for HiLASE Currently installed at IoP.

LASERS @ ELI L2 Vacuum tubes April 2014 Amplifier head April 2014 Front End July 2014 (mid-installation) High performance pulse shaping system


LASERS @ ELI L3 Developed as HAPLS at LLNL Compressor developed by ELI BL Drives ELIMAIA (p+, ion acceleration), Plasma Physics, HELL, LUX (e- acceleration) PW compressor

LASERS @ ELI L3 Parameter Value Peak power 1PW Repetition rate 10 Hz Pulse energy after compression 30 J Pulse duration 30 fs Central wavelength 820 nm Output pulse energy RMS stability better than 0.6% Temporal power contrast 1:109 initial, 1:1011 optimized Electrical consumption <150 kW

LASERS @ ELI L4 Developed in cooperation with NE-EKSPLA (ELI BL develops 10 PW compressor, diagnostics and timing system) 1.5 kJ (compressed) / 10 PW / 150 fs / 0.5 to 10 ns (adjustable in 100 ps steps) / 1 per minute / ~1050 nm Drives ELIMAIA (p+, ion acceleration), Plasma Physics, HELL, LUX (e- acceleration)

0.5 to 10 ns (adjustable in 100 ps steps) LASERS @ ELI L4 Parameter Value Main beam energy 1.5 kJ (compressed) Main beam peak power 10 PW Auxiliary beam energy 150 J (compressed) Auxiliary beam peak power 1 PW CPA pulse duration (FWHM) 150 fs Long pulse duration 0.5 to 10 ns (adjustable in 100 ps steps) Shot rate 1 per minute

LASERS @ ELI ASTRELLA LASER Alignment laser – 6mJ, fs, IR E1 hall – SRS, PXS, HHG

LASER SAFETY CONTROLS Engineering X administrative controls PSI X LSS Eye protection Training Laser safety program LSO Medical investigations

Questions What is an effective ballance between engineering and administrative controls? What is an approach for addressing effective eye wear in areas with multiple λs? How to establish robust laser safety program for laser developing researchers?
