Student Data Review and Rosters Application SDRR Student Data Review and Rosters Application KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016
Work in SDRR 2016 Spring Rosters 2016 Fall Data Review TEDS ACCESS – (EL) The ACT – Grade 11 K-PREP – Grades 3-12 Pearson (K-PREP) QualityCore End-of-Course (EOC) Alternate K-PREP College/Career Readiness The ACT Alternate K-PREP K-PREP End-of-Course (QualityCore) K-PREP (3-8, 10,11) College/Career Ready Data The ACT (includes National Tests) ACT Compass KYOTE Alternate - TAR ACT WorkKeys KOSSA ASVAB Industry Cert. K-PREP End-of-Course will have a separate roster in SDRR. Non-participation for EOC will be submitted on the specific EOC test for that grade. Training opportunities for SDRR Rosters and Data Reviews will be announced in a DAC Monday E-mail. TEDS KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016
Rosters KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016 SDRR URL KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016
Accountability Rule – 100 Days Test Name Grade(s) 100 Days as of … The ACT 11 Spring 2016 K-PREP Window K-PREP 3-8, 10,11 Alternate K-PREP 3-12 End-of-Course High School Algebra II Biology English ll U.S. History 100 days as of the first day of the 5-day testing window KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016
SDRR Features Connection of SDRR to IC for rosters Large buttons on the Home Page indicate which sections of SDRR are open by color – green is open, red is closed and yellow is finalizing Home Page: Information and Student Changes, List of Tasks “Locked” Label-Submitting Accountability and Non-Participation Changes Edit change request Large Red Help button Inactivity logout = 20 minutes See SDRR User Manual for details regarding new features and using the system in general. Even though the edit change request is locked, districts can still make edits by clicking on the edit button. Help button: KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016
SDRR Features Export and additional filter buttons at the top and bottom of the student listing Larger numbers to navigate the student listing and bullseye effect on mouse over Visible counts of students onscreen, including filtered results Additional column sorting onscreen District/School codes included on EXCEL export Sandbox for staff training See SDRR User Manual for details regarding new features and using the system in general. Even though the edit change request is locked, districts can still make edits by clicking on the edit button. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016
Demographic changes are made in Infinite Campus (IC) Assessment Opens Closes Fields/Comments The ACT March 2 March 30 (New Change Requests) April 4 (Final) Non-participation, Accommodations, Accountability (Spring Rosters as of the first day of the 5-day K-PREP test window) K-PREP Pearson Mid/Late April June (New Change Requests) June (Final) (Determined by the K-PREP Test Windows) Accommodations used on test collected (IEP, EL/LEP) with a yes/no option, Non-participation, Accountability and Annotations K-PREP EOC (English ll, Algebra ll, U.S. History, Biology) Alternate K-PREP College and Career Readiness DATES TENTATIVE Annotations are for district-use only. Everything is organized by test in SDRR. It is important that districts “Get the rosters right”. Demographic changes are made in Infinite Campus (IC) KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016
Fields to Change on SDRR Rosters in… Infinite Campus SDRR Name Grade SSID DOB Gender Race/Ethnicity Lunch IEP EL/LEP Annotations Accountability Non-participation Accommodations If IC change is not reflected in SDRR by the next day, contact KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016
OAA will be unable to assist with IC questions. Infinite Campus Questions regarding fields coming from IC must be submitted to the Enterprise Data – KSIS Team at OAA will be unable to assist with IC questions. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016
IEP Field (Helpful Hints) IEP field in IC: Verify the student has a current Individualized Educational Program (IEP) Verify that the IEP is locked Most information during rostering is changed in IC rather than SDRR – including Name, SSID, Date of Birth, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, IEP, EL/LEP, Grade and Lunch Status. If information that has been updated in IC is not reflected in SDRR by the next day, please e-mail the Enterprise Data–KSIS team at, providing detailed information, and they will assist you. If IC change is not reflected in SDRR by the next day, contact KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016
EL/LEP Field (Helpful Hints) Correcting the EL/LEP field in IC: Mark the student as LEP Home language other than English:0400 Mark at least one instructional accommodation Mark at least one program services type (cannot be declined services) Most information during rosters is changed in IC rather than SDRR – including Name, SSID, Date of Birth, Gender, Race/Ethnicity, IEP, EL/LEP, Grade and Lunch Status. If information that has been updated in IC is not reflected in SDRR by the next day, please e-mail the Enterprise Data–KSIS team at, providing detailed information, and they will assist you. The program services type has to be SEI- Sheltered English Immersion if parents decline services. If IC change is not reflected in SDRR by the next day, contact KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016
Data is pre-populated from IC K-PREP Rosters Verify student enrollment in grades 3-12 Include all students enrolled as of the first day of the testing window Change requests created for: Non-Participation Students – First Year EL/LEP, Medical, Extraordinary Circumstance, Foreign Exchange, Withdrew/Expelled During the Testing Window Accountability Save an electronic version of all rosters Verifying and updating student rosters for reporting purposes. Students who are participating in the Alternate K-PREP should be included on the roster and designated as Alternate Assessment. Students for whom a non-participation has been requested should be included on the roster. Annotate the roster for students who move during the testing window. Create a Change Request for: Medical Non-Participation Extraordinary Circumstance Non-participation First Year EL/LEP Change of Accountability Foreign Data is pre-populated from IC KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016
For General EOC Questions: EOC Rosters In IC, DACs can run an Early Warning Report for students, which are missing an EOC score, to assist with SDRR roster cleanup. For questions concerning IC reports, please contact OAA will add all seniors missing EOC scores or without a non-participation to the rosters based on current available EOC data. All EOC tested students and seniors that are expected to graduate should be on the SDRR rosters. When spring rosters open in mid/late April, DACs will be able to file non- participations for EOCs. Non-participation: EOC Graduation Issue (EGI) Assessed Prior Year (APY) OAA will produce the list of seniors that are missing an EOC or do not have a non-participation for the missing EOC. Districts will download the file from the secure site. Early Warning Report in IC For General EOC Questions: KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016
Non-participation EOC Graduation ISSUE (EGI) If schools have a graduate with a missing EOC score who took the course elsewhere in a previous year, please request non-participation (EOC Graduate Issue) rather than requesting a change in accountability. If schools have a student with a G code in IC who completed the EOC course prior to the 2011-12 year when EOC was implemented, please mark the student as non-participating (EGI). If schools have a student with a G Code in IC who was, for example, 1st year EL/LEP in the prior year that they completed the course and has now graduated, mark the student as non-participating (EGI). EGI can only be used for students who are graduates (with a G code in IC). See I Need Help Button in SDRR for assistance. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016
Non-participation Assessed Prior Year (APY) If schools have a student who already had taken the EOC course and exam, but is enrolled in a loaded EOC course in 2015/16, please mark the student as Assessed Prior Year (APY). If schools have a student who took the EOC course and exam in a previous year in your school, but failed the course and will complete it in 2015/16, mark them as non-participating (APY). If schools have a student who completed the course in a prior year at a different school/private school/home school/out of state, but is not yet a graduate, mark them as non-participating (APY). See I Need Help Button in SDRR for assistance. KDE:OAA:DSR: 2/4/2016