Jodi Pettazzoni, PhD October 26, 2016 Curriculum Policy & Procedures Forum Office of Assessment & Accreditation (OAA) Jodi Pettazzoni, PhD October 26, 2016
Reason #1: It’s our policy.
SACSCOC and UNCG Policies on Substantive Change “Member institutions are required to have a policy and procedure to ensure that all substantive changes are reported to the Commission in a timely fashion.” The Office of Assessment and Accreditation will offer periodic training for liaisons on substantive change policy and other academic program compliance issues. SACSCOC and UNCG policies on Substantive Change:
Reason #2: They’ve been effective.
How effective? Happy to report that: UNCG is in compliance with SACSCOC Substantive Change Policy ALL required external notifications and authorizations were reported in a timely manner 2015-2016 Completed actions: UNC GA (25) SACSCOC (22)
On to the Important Stuff…
PURPOSE OF THIS FORUM Increase awareness of compliance with academic program policies SACSCOC UNC General Administration Discuss changes at UNC GA and UNCG Clarify: Curriculum review process Deadlines, timelines, & effective dates Discuss changes and future improvements
Definition of Substantive Change “A significant modification or expansion of the nature and scope of an accredited institution.” US Department of Education Defines (in most cases) and SACSCOC Enforces
CS 3.12.1– Substantive Change From The Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement “The institution notifies the Commission of changes in accordance with the Commission’s substantive change policy and, when required, seeks approval prior to the initiation of changes.”
Examples of UNCG’s Recent Substantive Changes Discontinuing programs, many as a result of consolidation of degree majors Establishing off-campus sites Increasing (or decreasing) program credit hours >25% Offering a dual credential with another UNC institution Updating contractual agreement (courses)
Other Examples of Substantive Changes Any of the following could indicate a mission change, which would require SACSCOC approval. Competency-based educational programs Academic programs that are substantively different than our current programs New levels of degrees (e.g. AA or AS)
Prior Approval Required Most Substantive Changes require prior approval before beginning the new site, program, etc. Initiating off-campus sites where students can obtain 50% or more credits toward a program Initiating dual or joint degree with at least one institution not accredited by SACSCOC Closing a program or approved off-campus site Altering significantly the length of a program
Consequences of Substantive Change Non-compliance “If an institution fails to follow SACSCOC substantive change policy and procedures, it may lose its Title IV funding or be required by the U.S. Department of Education to reimburse it for money received by the institution for programs related to the unreported substantive change. In addition, the institution’s case may be referred to SACSCOC Board of Trustees for the imposition of a sanction or for removal from membership.” Substantive Change for Accredited Institutions - Policy Statement -
Title IV Programs Include: Loans Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Direct Loan Federal Perkins Loan Grants Federal Pell Grant Academic Competitiveness Grant (ACG) National SMART Grant Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Federal Work-Study (FWS) Title IV:
But We’ve Got Giant Steps To Take!
The Four Steps to Substantive Change Compliance Understand when a change is substantive Follow UNCG and UNC GA procedures Allow adequate time If a substantive change requires approval prior to implementation always wait for the approval letter from SACSCOC before implementing.
Identifying Substantive Changes by Asking if the New Initiative: Involves coursework with another institution/entity Involves instruction at an off-campus site Is anything different than what UNCG already does Alters or expands the mission of the University Requires new courses, faculty, equipment, facilities, financial resources, library or learning resources
Keep Marching… The Curriculum Guide web site has forms and procedures Complete an APPQ for new programs, sites, modes of delivery Curriculum Committees must approve requests before they go to GA and SACSCOC The Board of Governors only meets 10 X each year, and they have submission deadlines Keep all steps in mind when planning
SACSCOC DUE DATES NEW DUE DATES TYPES OF CHANGES January 1 (July 1-December 31 implementation) July 1 (January 1-June 30 implementation) Off-campus sites (50% or more) Expanding current level Contract with non-Title IV entity > 25% program Dual or joint degree March 15 (for June BOT review) September 1 (for December BOT review) Different level than currently approved Initiating competency-based program Merger, ownership change, acquisition Other Substantive Change requests are handled on a rolling basis, such as: Discontinuations / Closures Off-campus sites (25% - 49%) Initiating courses/programs offered through contractual agreement or consortium Relocating off-campus site (serving same geographic area)
Remember that OAA’s job is to keep up with regulation details Remember that OAA’s job is to keep up with regulation details. What we need from you is to remember us. You I think I’ll contact OAA
Next Up: Some of the changes at UNC General Administration & UNCG ANY QUESTIONS ? Next Up: Some of the changes at UNC General Administration & UNCG
Changes at UNC General Administration What you thought you knew about UNC General Administration may no longer be applicable. New staff New policy revisions New form revisions New procedures New technology
Changes at UNC-GA Revised UNC 400.1.1[R] Academic Programs Policy [R]-regulations are required, [G]-are guidelines Extracted and revised forms: No more “Appendix A,B,C”… now they are “Request to….” Just one form for moving an existing degree from face-to-face to online Authorization changed from 50% or more for off- campus instruction to any % * GA’s concern is about duplication and being courteous to other institutions Changes at UNC-GA Low productivity calculations Degrees awarded over past 5-years (35/35/10) Merged Academic Program and Distance Education Inventories Degree Finder is now Academic Program Inventory (API) Automated certificate identification (Student Data Mart) Program Request Portal & API:
Some Things Have Not Changed The Board of Governors still must approve all new “programs” revised programs discontinued programs There is still a fairly standard calendar that is followed for curriculum requests …and it is not quick Institutions cannot offer a fully-online 4-year bachelor’s degree… yet
Changes at UNCG State of North Carolina has been approved to be a “member” of the State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) UNCG has been approved by North Carolina to “participate” in SARA New process: “Quality Matters Checklist” to move existing courses from face- to-face to online delivery “C-RAC Guidelines Checklist” to verify that the online course meets the C-RAC standards Please Note: Brand new online courses still go through the new course approval process attaching both Checklists to the proposal.
Speaking of Online….. Are you aware of how close you are to having 50% of your program online? Are you aware of the limitations of international students taking online courses? 12/9 rule Some countries will not fund students for any online courses
Point of Clarification #1: The Institutional Summary is UNCG’s “official” list of our programs.
Institutional Summary How we report UNCG’s programs to SACSCOC Includes: UNC Board of Governors approved Degree Programs & CIP Codes UNCG’s approved concentrations (Area of Study Code, “AOS,” “U,” or “G” codes) UNCG’s approved certificates UNCG’s approved degree completion programs UNCG’s approved online programs UNCG’s approved off-campus sites and programs
Where to find the Institutional Summary http://curriculumguide. uncg
Point of Clarification #2: Discontinuations of “programs” need different approvals, depending on what’s being discontinued.
Discontinuations There are two discontinuation forms UNC-GA’s Request to Discontinue a Degree Program UNCG’s Form K: Discontinuing Concentrations, Certificates, or Minors The Board of Governors approves discontinuations for degree programs on the Academic Program Inventory. SACSCOC requires notification and has to approve the teach out plan for almost all “programs.”
Point of Clarification #3: UNCG’S Curriculum Review Process is not nearly as complicated as it may seem.
UNCG INTERNAL CURRICULUM REVIEW PROCESS Faculty Department College/School Curriculum Committee University-Wide Curriculum Committee: UCC and / or GSC If applicable, include: Dean (see signature sheet) Other Departments (Form B) School of Education (licensure) International Programs (consultation) Financial Aid (consultation) Office of Assessment & Accreditation (APPQ-new initiatives)
Time for some tips!
Tips for a Smooth Review Know submission deadlines (more later) Complete the correct form (no missing information) Provide clear & complete rationale (the roadmap)
Tips for a Smooth Review (continued) SLOs need to clearly communicate learning in the course or program …but Bloom’s Taxonomy is not a mandate Make sure the department- and unit committee summaries are included for Form A Be clear about your new bulletin text What the committee needs is a clear presentation of what is changing in the bulletin
Tips for a Smooth Review (continued) Address all of the items that need changing (may require additional form) ex: a brand new course (Form A) that is identified as a required course in the program will also need a program revision (Form G) Don’t try to rationalize something as a routine change that is not ex: adding items to routine course form (Form D) that should be on an amended course form (Form A)
Tips for a Smooth Review (continued) Consider the interests other departments may have in your change (Form B: consultation) Include all signature approvals required Plan to attend UCC/GSC meeting if change is unusual or complex
Effective Dates, Deadlines and Timing Courses 3 effective terms: spring, summer, and fall Deadlines (to be ready for advising): College/School curriculum committee deadlines UCC/GSC/GEC Spring / Summer: September 23 Fall and bulletins: February 3 DCL/online: October 7 and March 7 Timing: Please plan early and don’t wait for the deadline Important: If a committee “approves pending” – make sure that you follow-up
Effective Dates, Deadlines and Timing Program changes Just one (1) effective term: fall Deadlines (for marketing, bulletin, degree works, admissions): College/School curriculum committee deadlines UCC and GSC: February 3 Timing: Changes requiring external authorization can add 1-2 years to the process depending on the timing. Exception: Moratoriums go into effect immediately unless directed otherwise
Drop-in Sessions for Form Assistance NEW!
Now, a word from our Director of Financial Aid Tolly Tollefson
Financial Aid Tips & Information Certificates & Gainful Employment CIP Code changes can create complications Tightening up on courses towards a degree 150% rule 50% surcharge at 110% of hours required for degree
Heads UP! UNCG is currently looking at electronic curriculum management / bulletin systems that can be integrated with Banner. Coming Fall 2017: $7.50 fee for Professional and General Liability Insurance for students in internships, practicums, and student teachers will be automatic – no longer will be able to opt out. A soft roll out to occur this summer. (new policy)
More Heads UP! Students that have been away for one semester, and were not dismissed or suspended will be considered active and able to register for classes. They will no longer have to reapply or pay an application fee.
One more thing…
To if external approval is required.
QUESTIONS? Comments? Ideas for improvement? Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs QUESTIONS? Comments? Ideas for improvement? Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs Go Cubs
Did we accomplish our purpose? Increase awareness of compliance with academic program policies SACSCOC UNC General Administration Discuss some changes at UNC GA and UNCG Clarify: Curriculum review process Deadlines, timelines, & effective dates Discuss changes and future improvements
Call if you need help Barbara Tookey Academic Program Specialist Office of Assessment and Accreditation (336) 334-5975 Lynn Wyrick University Program Specialist (336) 334-5425 Dr. Laura Chesak Associate Vice Provost for Graduate Education The Graduate School (336) 334-4887 Jodi Pettazzoni Director Office of Assessment and Accreditation (336) 334-5535