Cub Scout Program Updates Dec 2016 – Make the program more flexible for busy parents, den leaders and CubMaster!
Reasons for Changes Making the program more flexible Instead of do ALL of the following, do 6 of the following 8. Allow for weather conditions, burn bans Reducing the number of den meetings to earn rank. Not enough boys earned their rank last year, or took until summer to earn the Rank. Allowing boys to make up work at home not just in a den meeting.
Updated Resources Cub Scout Requirements Text Changes June 2015 to November 30 2016
Ways to track advancement - Updated!! ScoutBook (Not yet updated, in progress) Paw Prints (from back book) download update soon from
Camping Changes Packs with cold or wet climates (especially with Fall recruitment) were struggling to complete outdoor camping. The overnight camping requirements are now optional, not just an exception due to restrictions imposed by your Chartered Organization. Boys still need a significant outdoor experience such as Cub Scout Day camp, Resident Camp, or and all day outdoor activity.
Duty to God Changes Some people felt there was too much emphasis on organized religion. The requirements for each rank have been updated according.
Renamed Adventures Tiger Wolf Bear Webelos My Backyard became My Tiger Jungle Not everyone has a backyard [such as Apartments] My Family’s: Duty to God became Tiger Circles: Duty to God Wolf Council Fire became Council Fire (Duty to Country) Bear Paws for Action became Paws for Action (Duty to Country) Webelos Camper becomes Outdoorsman Castaway becomes Getaway
Arrow of Light Reduced the number of required activities 4 required: Building a Better World, Camper, Duty to God in Action, Scouting Adventure Allows boys to transition to Boy Scouts early enough in they year so they can sign up for Scout Camp
Webelos Webelos : 5 required, 1 elective Adventure 5 required : Cast Iron Chef; Duty to God and You; First Responder; Stronger, Faster Highter; Webelos Walkabout and 1 elective adventure After earning their Rank, keep boys engaged by working on additional elective electives. For LDS Chartered Organizations, this makes earning Webelos & Arrow of Light in 1 year doable.
Bear Grin and Bear it is now optional Baloo the Builder is now required Bear Necessities removed the cooking requirements similar to Bear Picnic Basket Paws for Action (Duty to Country) removed requirements similar to Forensics Critter Care (most requirements changed)
Wolf Council Fire (Duty to Country) had significant changes. Removed requirement to attend a Committee Meeting Removed Recycling Added optional requirement to participate in parade or assembly celebrating Veterans
Tiger Changed wording to include parent, guardian or other caring adult instead of ‘adult partner’ Team Tiger – Many requirements changed. Removed emphasis on differences in appearance instead of differences in experiences and interests
FAQ Do dens have a choice about whether to use the modifications during this program year? Yes. A den may choose to continue with the previous adventure requirements or to use the modifications for some or all of its adventures. Recommended to move to the new requirements to allow boys to advance sooner.
Will the modifications be used with the current handbooks? Yes. The current handbooks provide a wealth of resource ideas to support each adventure. The detailed how-to information in the handbooks should continue to guide the “nuts and bolts” of den activities.