IN YOUR NOTES: What were the Republican views of the role and power of government during the Civil War and Reconstruction? EVIDENCE (What did each of these do to power of government and how?) Lincoln Confiscation Acts & Emancipation Freedman’s Bureau -14th Amendment (Before Cruikshank ruined it)
Closing of the West 1862-1890
US government in the late 1800’s continues to grow in power The power of the Federal government and Industry both grew during the Civil War. The Federal government was now going to take control of the West and the South and pass laws to develop both of these areas. Three huge acts Homestead Act of 1862 Pacific Railway Act of 1862 Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862
Why develop the West and the New South? Industrialization- South and West full of resources needed for industry (metals, wood, coal) West especially vital for agricultural development, feed the cities Technology (weapons, railroad, barbed wire) making it easier to develop the West Making a Uniform Nation-After the Civil War the Federal (national) government is more powerful and has an expanded role in shaping society. To prevent future Civil War, the federal government is going to bring the South and the West into the nation
Why develop the West and the New South? Ideology-Belief that developed land benefits both the individual and the nation as a whole. Leaving land unused is immoral (heavily influences view of Native Americans) Population Control-relief for the growing cities and populations Capitalism- now with slavery and cotton largely gone, we need new places to invest Northern money.
Homestead Act Designated land in the West was broken and sold into 160 acre lots for $10 a piece. Only stipulation was that the land had to be developed and maintained for 5 years.
Pacific Railway Act (1862) Gave two companies, Central Pacific and the Union Pacific land grants and $ to build the railroad across the nation. $16,000 for flat $32,000 for hills $48,000 for mountains
Morrill Land Grant Act (1862) Morrill Land Grant Act gave states 30,000 acres in federal land. The states were allowed to sell that land in order to build schools(colleges) that would help with education needs of that state.
Questions How did each of these events impact the power of government? How did these events contribute to the growing industrialization of the nation? How is the West going to change now? Impact on the environment?
Chinese Exclusion Act/Californios/Tejanos
Hydraulic Mining/Miller and Lux