Monday, March 18 Get out your spiral 2. Update table of contents Date Title Entry # 03/07 Madison/Monroe Review 26 03/08 Timeline chapter 12 27 03/18 Chapter 12 Vocabulary 28 3. Turn to entry #28 and finish your timeline from last Friday
What do I do now? Finish test Turn to entry # 27 and copy the timeline on page 351. Copy both usa and world. Use the Blue Book. Illustrate 5 Chapter 12 Vocabulary: Come and get a list from me
Vocabulary chapter 12 Terms People 1. Jacksonian Democracy 1. John Quincy Adams 2. Indian Removal Act 2. Andrew Jackson 3. Trail of Tears 3. Sequoya 4. Doctrine of Nullification 4. John C. Calhoun 5. Secession 5. Daniel Webster 6. Panic of 1837 6. Martin Van Buren 7. Whig Party 7. William Henry Harrison 8. Spoils System 8. John Tyler 9. Indian Territory 10. Tariff of Abominations 11. Webster-Hayne Debate 12. Inflation 13. Depression