A debate is a formal discussion in which delegates express the actual position of the country they represent. More importantly, the aim of a debate is to establish a conclusion.
In Model United Nations, there is a chair which moderates the debate in the committee and there are delegations, representing different countries.
Debates at MUN can be formal or informal and a Lobby Time is given to form blocs to create a resolution. This will be the final writing that solves the conflict.
In a formal debate a speakers list is elaborated, and delegations—included in this list—have a limit time to make their intervention in front of the committee.
Informal debate lets every delegation to make an intervention at the moment the chair recognize them when they rise up their placard. Delegations will have limited time as well.
Lobby Time lets every delegation in the commission to stand up and begin negotiation with other delegates to establish allies, and finally, present ideas to write them in the Working Paper and Resolution
To take into account at the time of making an intervention Tips To take into account at the time of making an intervention
Modulate your tone of voice so everyone in the room can hear you.
Organize the key points and information that will be used in your intervention in order that you talk about specific ideas to end up making a general conclusion, or to talk about global facts to conclude an particular idea.
Make use of your oral skills Make use of your oral skills. Interlocutors that read notes make their listeners consider their intervention less serious.
Think of your body language to reaffirm the significance of what your are proposing.
NO YES Think Be concise and clear: don’t let you be misunderstood. Expound the information being objective and having always in mind the purpose of what you are suggesting.
Thanks for your attention Presentation made by Juan Diego Villamil and Juan David Hernández