MUNK Model United Nations of Kumon Kumon Kokusai Junior & Senior High School Masahiko Mizuno
What is munk? MUNK : Model United Nations of Kumon. MUNK and MUNK International are two extra- curricular activities established by Kumon Kokusai Gakuen. MUNK is held in Japanese. MUNK International is held in English. MUNK is exclusively managed by the MUNK Committee students.
Each student Represents one country Participants consist of junior high and senior high school students. Each student acts as an ambassador. Each student has the responsibility for representing one country. They discuss global issues from various points of view.
Topics since 2005 2005 The Death Penalty/Cloning Technology 2006 Primary Education/Refugees 2007 Landmines/Malnutrition of Children 2008 Population Explosion 2009 AIDS/HIV 2010 Alternative Energy 2011 Water for Life 2012 Abolition of Human Trafficking 2013 Deforestation 2014 Illegal Drugs
Draft resolution(dr) Students research the topic. Each participant must submit a draft resolution(DR) on the topic on behalf of his/her country to the MUNK committee. The MUNK committee then assembles all draft resolutions into a DR book. The DR book is presented to all participants before the Conference. All members are required to read the DR book before attending the Conference.
Speaker’s list Each ambassador gives a 30 second appeal statement.
lobbying Students form small groups to discuss and produce a resolution. The group also selects their main-submitter and if necessary, a co-submitter.
session The main-submitters present their resolutions. Co-submitters may support the main-submitters. Amendments can be proposed by other countries. After free discussion and open debate, all participants vote whether the resolutions will pass or not.
Out of school,out of japan Some students join MUN in The Hague or Harvard University. There, students have the opportunity to practice their debating skills in a natural, internationally rich environment. .
Think globally, act locally Kumon Kokusai Gakuen hosts MUNK Conferences annually. Please join us and share this valuable experience!!