STOP What you are doing 7 And read Today's Announcements! Only What you are doing 7 more! And read Today's Announcements! Friday, 9-02-16
Attendance Counts Every Day, Everyone Students! Think one day out from school isn’t a big deal? If you miss 10 % of school days, you’ll suffer academically. That can be just one day every two weeks, and can it happen before you know it. These absences may be either excused or unexcused, but you’re still losing time in class and opportunities to learn. Every day you’re absent, it lowers your chance of graduating from high school. Remember. Attendance Counts Every Day, Everyone
Attendance counts. EVERYONE. EVERYDAY. Attendance – Did you know? A student who is chronically absent in high school is 7.4X more likely to drop out! Attendance counts. EVERYONE. EVERYDAY.
5 Scary Things About School Dropouts! 1. 7,000 students drop out of school every single day. That’s more than 1 million yearly. 2. School dropouts are qualified for only about 10% of all jobs. 3. School dropouts cost the economy more than 150 billion dollars. This unfathomable hit comes from school dropouts’ lost wages, taxes and productivity over a lifetime. 4. A whopping 87% of school dropouts have experienced homelessness at some point of their lives. 5. 79 percent of school dropouts have a parent who has been incarcerated at some time during the school dropouts’ lives.
1st Meeting for DECA is this Friday at 6:50 in room 525 All New and Old Members are Welcome
Senior Class 2017 Officer Elections Packets are available in Room 601(Ms. Bates’ office) beginning Friday, September 2 Candidate intent forms must be turned in by 8:30 am on Wednesday, September 7
@ rhodes stadium Our Kc tigers take on katy this Saturday! 6:00pm – Varsity @ rhodes stadium
Be a Friend … Make a Difference!!! See Mrs. Golden or Ms. Woll ROOM 175 Be a Friend … Make a Difference!!!
School Picture Day Date: September 1st Location: Small Gym Grades 9-11 You will be going with your English Class. If you do not have an English Class, come by room 601 to get a pass to have your picture taken
Klein Collins Model United Nations! JOIN Klein Collins Model United Nations! MUN is an educational simulation and/or academic competition in which students can learn about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. First meeting: September 7th, 2016 6:45AM Room 199
Any remaining tags will be made available to second round applicants. PARKING 2016 - 2017 REMINDER!!! STUDENTS THAT HAD AN APPLICATION PROCESSED IN APRIL/MAY/JUNE, MUST PAY & PICK UP THEIR TAG BY 3:00 PM, SEPTEMBER 2nd! Any remaining tags will be made available to second round applicants.
PARKING SEPTEMBER 6th Parking will be strictly enforced. ALL students must have a current KC hang tag to park on campus. Regular Office Hours are in effect. 2:30 – 3:00 pm* *subject to change
KC PARKING SEPTEMBER 6th Parking will be strictly enforced KC PARKING SEPTEMBER 6th Parking will be strictly enforced! ALL students must have a parking hang tag to park on campus. Information is available in Office 701.
Register on College Website COLLEGE VISIT DAY’S ARE BACK 2016-2017 College Preview Days – Register on College Website Abilene Christian University – Wildcat Preview Day – Sept 9 Austin College – Sept 5 HARN – Mini College Fair- Sep 9 – Klein Collins during Lunch Sam Houston Mobil Go- Sep 27 – Klein Collins Texas Christian University – Monday at TCU- Sept 1 University of North Texas – Preview Weekend – Sep 30 This is not a complete listing. Seniors should contact their prospective college/websites for more information.
SENIOR ADS! DEADLINE: FRIDAY OCTOBER 14th!!!!! HEY SENIORS! Don’t forget to buy your senior ad this year! You only have till October 14th to get your pictures and money in! Forms were sent out to your parents but if you didn’t receive one or have any questions, stop by room 173. And don’t forget to buy your yearbook @ while you're at it! DEADLINE: FRIDAY OCTOBER 14th!!!!!
HEY FRESHMEN!!! September 10th 7pm-10pm $10 sold at all lunches Come to Fish Fry!! September 10th 7pm-10pm $10 sold at all lunches
COMMONS ***SEPT 6*** Freshmen: Pick up your temporary photo ID in the at all 3 lunches on COMMONS ***SEPT 6***
COMMONS ***SEPT 7**** Sophomores: Pick up your temporary photo ID in the at all 3 lunches on COMMONS ***SEPT 7****
COMMONS ***SEPT 6**** Juniors: Pick up your temporary photo ID in the at all 3 lunches on COMMONS ***SEPT 6****
COMMONS ***SEPT 7**** Seniors: Pick up your temporary photo ID in the at all 3 lunches on COMMONS ***SEPT 7****