14.4. TOK/Psychology
Reconstructive memory How is memory reconstructive? Are memories stored in their original form in LTM? Memories are not static Recalled memories are coherent Retrieval of childhood memories Effects of serial reproduction Example: Loftus and Pickrell, Shopping mall study
Eyewitness testimony Elizabeth Loftus: Wrongful conviction of Steve Titus Group discussion: What ways are there to manipulate memory? (Intentionally or by accident) How could false memories be avoided in criminal investigation?
Psychology students only
Homework So far, only six people have returned the compensation task. Others, please return your work ASAP! Overall, the quality was good. I will give more feedback on the tasks once I receive more of them. Instructions can be found on the slides for 1st of April.
Voting for options Abnormal psychology Developmental psychology Health psychology Psychology of human relationships Sport psychology We will vote tomorrow. Please get acquainted with the options by reading the corresponding pages in the syllabus (Psychology guide pages 20-25). The guide can be found on our peda.net site.