Welcome to our Member Practice Event 9th February 2017 Please go to slido.com to vote and submit questions. Details can be found in your delegate pack.
Welcome Dr Adrian McLachlan CCG Chair Please go to slido.com to submit questions for the Q&A session. Details can be found in your delegate pack.
Collaborative Forum Chair Dr Sadru Kheraj Collaborative Forum Chair
Governing Body Member & South East Locality Representative Dr Di Aitken Governing Body Member & South East Locality Representative
Jackie Ballard Governing Body Lay Member
Amy Buxton-Jennings Director of Commissioning and Improvement Children’s Services
Ruth Hutt Interim Director of Public Health
Chris Newman Practice Manager Lead
Dr Adrian McLachlan CCG Chair
How did you get here? Please go to slido.com to vote and submit questions. Details can be found in your delegate pack.
Integration in Lambeth Andrew Eyres Chief Officer Helen Charlesworth-May Strategic Director, Lambeth Council
Anyone from the audience can join the circle, displacing someone already in the circle by tapping them on the shoulder
How does integration improve things for General Practice How does integration improve things for General Practice? Dr Justin Hayes How does integration improve things for the population? Dr Di Aitken
Based on what you have heard How do we move forward Based on what you have heard How do we move forward? Please discuss in localities
Feed back from the localities
Do you support direction of travel? Please go to slido.com to vote and submit questions. Details can be found in your delegate pack
Tea break Questions on post-its or Slido.com
Welcome back Dr Adrian McLachlan CCG Chair
Proposed amendments to the CCG Constitution Dr Sadru Kheraj Collaborative Forum Chair
Role of Collaborative Forum Timing and process for election and selection to Governing Body Constitution changes Delivery of mission and vision 2 way communication
Why have a Constitution? A requirement of The Health and Social Care Act 2012 It sets out the terms on which the CCG shall exercise its statutory function of commissioning services. On becoming a member of the CCG, each Member Practice confirms it will carry out its duties and responsibilities in respect of the CCG, in accordance with the principles of the Constitution.
What does it include? Governance and Accountability Functions and duties of the CCG Decision making Appointments to the GB, roles and responsibilities Standards of business conduct Ways of working
Key amendments Last revised in 2015. The main changes proposed to the Constitution today are; To reflect revised guidance from NHS England: Management of conflict of interest Governing Body membership Primary Care full delegation 2. Update on terminology/revised strategies Everyone has a full list of proposed changes in their delegate pack.
Q&A Constitution
Do you support the proposed changes? Please go to slido.com to vote and submit questions. Details can be found in your delegate pack
Primary Care Update Dr Martin Godfrey Governing Body Member & Primary Care Lead
Draft GPDF and PMS contract 2017-19 GP Delivery Framework Implementation 1st April 2017 Personal Medical Services 1st October 2017 Proactive care Accessible care Coordinated care
2017/18 national contract agreed GP contract 2017/18 national contract agreed
GP Five Year Forward View Next steps Extended Access On-line Consultation Provider Developments Training care navigators and medical assistants PMS premium Workforce Estate Technology Transformation Fund £3 per head
Move to fully delegated commissioning
Closing comments Dr Adrian McLachlan CCG Chair