Please contact us on the above mobile numbers or 01296 316991 Stop germs: Please wash your hands before entering and after leaving hospital. Use the hand gel when you enter and leave the ward. This helps to keep people well. Learning Disability Liaison Nurses How to contact us: Karen: 07876 231051 or e-mail: Nichola: 07818 646262 or e-mail: Please contact us on the above mobile numbers or 01296 316991 Monday to Friday 8.30am – 4.30pm Karen Howsam Nichola Edmonds Learning Disability Liaison nurses are working in the hospital to support people with a learning disability and their carers. The images used in this leaflet are created by Symbolstix which is a nationally recognised tool to support those with learning disabilities LDLN-001 Nichola Edmonds 01/06/2015 1 01/02/2017
Why are we here? How we can help Support with emergency admissions. Support with outpatient appointments. Support your stay in hospital. Help with going home. Give training and support to staff in the hospital. Make letters and leaflets easy to read and understand. Improve the use of the health passports. Support to families and carers. To help people with a learning disability to have their health needs met by hospitals in Buckinghamshire NHS Trust. To help people with a learning disability have a good experience in hospital. We work closely with the community teams and care providers in the area.