NHS England’s Commitment to Carers
Swindon Carers Centre Carers Rights Day 25th November 2016 How does NHS England support: Making carers aware of their rights Letting carers know where to get help and support Raising awareness of the needs of carers
The Mission Design an integrated approach to identifying and assessing Carer health and wellbeing in order to: Clarify the duties on NHS organisations in respect of the Care Act and Children & Families Act 2014 Promote and maintain the independence, physical health and emotional well-being of Carers Invest in and support Carers to manage their caring roles and their lives outside of caring Develop a shared understanding of “wellbeing” across health and social care
An integrated Approach to a Combined Assessment Brokerage – review of needs Planning of Support – review of needs Information, Advice and Guidance – review of needs Triage – preventive support, local assets and review of needs Contact with services Care – confident, independent, safe and supported
The “Carers Toolkit” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwxF-WGv6rI
Three parts An integrated model for identifying and assessing Carer health and wellbeing A template Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) Examples of positive practice
Supporting principles Carers are identified Carers have their support needs assessed Carers will be empowered to make choices Care staff are aware of the needs of Carers Carers will be supported by information sharing Carers will be respected and listened to as expert partners The support needs of Carers who are more vulnerable or at key transition points will be identified early
Making it real https://nhs-england.mc.eu1.kontiki.com/global1/content?moid=400f23e9-48eb-49b9-80f8-a4317a6b0085 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwxF-WGv6rI
Patient Online for the public Evidence shows that patients who are informed and involved in their own care have better health outcomes and are less likely to be admitted to hospital. http://www.nhs.uk/NHSEngland/AboutNHSservices/doctors/Pages/gp-online-services.aspx https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TB38sUMIbwQ&index=6&list=PL6IQwMACXkj3jXps4MfsJ8IKjiHFcFYrY
Transforming how NHS England Engages with Partners to Improve Carers Experiences Graphics via @BrianwDolan
Thank you for listening Kath Rooksby NHS England South (South Central) k.rooksby@nhs.net @KRooksby