Was launched at St Thomas’ and has been a great success… A questionnaire sent to parents indicated they would prefer to pay online In September 2014 Was launched at St Thomas’ and has been a great success… 75%
No more searching for change at the last minute! What is ParentPay? ParentPay is a secure online site that allows you to pay for school meals using a credit or debit card. It allows you to monitor how much you need to pay, provides you with a record of your transactions and alerts you if your account goes into arrears. No more searching for change at the last minute! Takes the responsibility away from young children; no more carrying money to school or losing money.
I don’t pay for school meals School no longer uses paper dinner registers. ParentPay is now the lunchtime register for ALL pupils regardless of meal preference. If your child has packed lunches or is eligible for Free School Meals… …YOU WILL STILL NEED TO ACTIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT.
How do I activate my account? In September your child will be sent home with a letter that asks you to activate an account. The letter contains a temporary username and password. If you have already have a child at St Thomas’ you will still need to activate the new account; then you can merge the accounts together, so that all children show on one account. Visit www.parentpay.com
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All done!!
Want to pay cash instead? No problem. Take your barcoded letter in the first instance to any PayPoint store and pay with cash. They will add it to your account. Then ask Reception to order you a PayPoint card. When it arrives, you can use the card instead of the letter to pay cash on your account. Please keep it safe as they cost £5 to replace. You will need a card for each child.
School Meal Policy Dinner money arrears not paid = Wakefield Council taking over the debt Collection Agencies Court Proceedings No more hot meals in school Please don’t let your account get into arrears. You wouldn’t go to McDonalds, eat your food and pay them later…
We’re here to help make life easier. But… …please come and speak to us. We are friendly and happy to help. We have a computer in school for you to use and expert advice if you are having any difficulty in setting your account up. We’re here to help make life easier. Thank you