Stater for 5! Which quote can be used to show Christians they should not consume drugs or alcohol? What is considered to be an alternative to euthanasia?


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Presentation transcript:

Stater for 5! Which quote can be used to show Christians they should not consume drugs or alcohol? What is considered to be an alternative to euthanasia? Which philosopher used the analogy of the watch to show the world is so complex it must have an intelligent designer – God? Give one thing the Christian creation story can tell us about God. According to Christians, what is their proof of the existence of the afterlife?

Stater for 5! Which quote can be used to show Christians they should not consume drugs or alcohol? ‘Your body is a temple of God’ What is considered to be an alternative to euthanasia? Hospices Which philosopher used the analogy of the watch to show the world is so complex it must have an intelligent designer – God? William Paley Give one thing the Christian creation story can tell us about God. God is all-powerful as he just has to speak and it happens – ‘let there be light’, God’s creation is perfect – ‘God saw what he had made and saw that it was good’, Humans are created special – ‘man is made in the image of God’ According to Christians, what is their proof of the existence of the afterlife? The resurrection of Jesus, ‘may father’s house has many rooms’, near death experiences

Medical Technology Revision Learning Objective: To revise keywords and Christian views in the Medical Technology unit. I can define keywords on fertility treatment and genetic engineering I can identify quotes that a relevant to this unit I can practice planning medical technology exam answers

Match the keyword to the definition IVF A scientific method of making a woman pregnant, which does not involve sex. Conception occurs via sperm and egg being placed into a test tube. Artificial Insemination Sperm is medically inserted into vagina to assist pregnancy. This could be done using the husbands (AIH) or donor sperm (AID) Embryo A fertilised egg. Fertility A living thing that has the ability to reproduce. E.g. When a person is able to produce a child.

Match the keyword to the definition Surrogacy A woman’s egg is fertilised outside of the womb via IVF. The embryo is then inserted into a host woman who will carry the baby and give birth to it. She will then give the baby back to the couple. Embryo Research When embryos are researched on to try to find cures for fertility problems and genetic disorders. Hybrid Embryo An embryo that contains both human and animal material that is used for research.

Match the keyword to the definition Designer Baby Babies with gender and characteristics chosen by their parents. This is currently illegal. Cloning The scientific method by which animals and plants can be created which are an exact copy of the original. This is because the DNA of the original is used. Therapeutic Cloning (Stem Cell Cloning) Cloning of cells that can be used to treat certain diseases and conditions.

Match the keyword to the definition Reproductive Cloning The use of cloning techniques to produce a baby. E.g. Dolly the sheep. Gene Therapy (Somatic Cell Therapy) A faulty gene is identified and then replaced with copies of a healthy version of this gene. E.g. To help people with cystic fibrosis. Saviour Sibling A child conceived using IVF in order to save the life of an incurably ill sibling. The embryo is checked before it is inserted to make sure it is a match. The cord blood is used.

How many keywords can you remember? Keyword Check How many keywords can you remember? IVF Surrogacy Embryo Research Hybrid Embryo Designer Baby Fertility Artificial Insemination Cloning Embryo Saviour Sibling Reproductive Cloning Therapeutic Cloning Gene Therapy (Somatic Cell Therapy) Write the correct keyword next to the definition on your sheet.

Medical Technology Clips Surrogacy Cystic Fibrosis IVF – watch from 50 seconds. Saviour Siblings Designer Babies Cloning If students are still struggling with a particular keyword/concept here is a list of clips that were used during the unit. Gene Therapy

Medical Technology Revision Learning Objective: To revise keywords and Christian views in the Medical Technology unit. I can define keywords on fertility treatment and genetic engineering I can identify quotes that a relevant to this unit I can practice planning medical technology exam answers

Which quotes do you think are going to be relevant for this unit? Quotes of Relevance Which quotes do you think are going to be relevant for this unit? Relevant Not Relevant Students need to stick their quote on the board.

Medical Technology Revision Learning Objective: To revise keywords and Christian views in the Medical Technology unit. I can define keywords on fertility treatment and genetic engineering I can identify quotes that a relevant to this unit I can practice planning medical technology exam answers

Exam Questions There are 4 past exam questions on your sheet. Underneath each one, you need to select at least 2 quotes that you could use to answer this question. You will need to explain why you have chosen this quote, i.e. Link it to the question.

You will have 8 minutes to do this. Exam Conditions Choose one of the exam questions on your sheet to write a full answer to. Try to choose one that you find challenging. You will have 8 minutes to do this.

Medical Technology Revision Learning Objective: To revise keywords and Christian views in the Medical Technology unit. I can define keywords on fertility treatment and genetic engineering I can identify quotes that a relevant to this unit I can practice planning medical technology exam answers