Switch on 2 learning 5 in 5 test Define sanctity of life. (2) Why does the law state that abortion must take place before 24 weeks? (2) Which of Natural Law’s primary precepts does abortion break? (2) Name 2 Catholic teachings on abortion. (2) The Church teaches that abortion harms not only the baby but 2 other things as well. What are they? (2)
What do the words ‘quality of life’ mean to you? Get creative challenge What do the words ‘quality of life’ mean to you? Using your super-learning playdough build me a model in pairs to show what you understand by the term ‘quality of life’.
Foundational Theology Humanist views on abortion Learning objective: To examine Humanist teachings on abortion.
What does success look like today? Today’s success criteria: Lesson: Humanist teachings on abortion. L.O. To examine Humanist teachings on abortion. Today’s success criteria: You MUST be able describe Humanist beliefs on abortion. You SHOULD explain their secular reasons behind these beliefs. You COULD compare and contrast against other Christian views.
What is humanism? What is humanism? Watch the video clip about ‘what is humanism’ and bubble map what you learn about the humanist movement and their core life beliefs.
Humanists support abortion Legal abortion is safer than having to go to a back street abortion clinic. Many humanists believe a baby gets rights upon birth not at conception like RCs. Humanists values the preferences of the mature adult over the unborn baby. For humanists life is not sacred. The quality of life is more important than the quality of life of an unborn baby. Humanists believe abortion means every child born is at least wanted!
Doctor dilemma You are a hospital Doctor in a maternity ward. A baby is born who is very sick and you rush it off to examine it. Alone in the room with this baby boy you realise it is very sick and severely disabled. You think it might, at best, live 5-6 years, probably in a lot of pain. The NHS has no money, the baby may suffer and the family will suffer seeing the baby in a lot of pain. Should you kill it to spare it, the family and the economy the pain?
Infanticide Peter Singer, an Australian professor of Ethics, believed that killing a severely disabled baby is the most loving thing to do upon birth. For singer, a seriously disabled new born baby is less human than a pig. He claims that it is not a sentient being until it is 30 days old. He says that everyone deep down knows that by killing the baby you are sparing it, it’s family and society from unnecessary pain. Reflection Corner: Red hat: Do you agree with him? Blue hat: How might the Catholic Church respond to him? Green hat: If everyone thought like Singer what would happen to the world?
Singer on abortion Singer is a brilliant example of a Humanist. As well as believing that disabled babies should either be aborted before birth or killed upon birth, he believes that no life is sacred. Only people with a good quality of life should live. Only those who can make rational decisions and use intelligent thought are true ‘persons’. For Singer foetuses, new born babies, people with brain damage and elderly people with dementia, whilst human are NOT persons because they cannot make rational decisions and therefore have no right to life. Singer sees no problem with euthanising the elderly with dementia to end their suffering.
Draft a message to him and explain how his views make you feel. Faithbook Just imagine that you could write a FaithBook message to Peter Singer about his views on the sanctity of life. What would you say? Draft a message to him and explain how his views make you feel.
Court-case challenge Today we are going to hold a court-case on the sanctity of life and abortion. Before we see the case you must choose a role: Judge Defendant – Pregnant Girl. Defendant – Her Father. Singer Lawyers – Pro-abortion. Roman Catholic Lawyers – Pro-life. Read the court case and prepare your arguments!
Court-case challenge Teen Tina is 23 weeks pregnant and really wants to keep the baby. Doctors have said it will be severely disabled. She is only 14 years old. She can’t wait to be a mam. The baby’s father has ran off. Dad Donatello is an angry dad. He wants to ask the court to force his daughter to have an abortion. He does not want to see the baby live in pain and has said if she keeps going with the pregnancy he will throw his daughter out onto the streets of Jarrow and never see her again! What should the court do?
How well did you debate today? What were you in this challenge? How could you be more cog like when it comes to team work? LOGS People who let others do all the work.
Roman Catholic responses to Humanism and Singer Where are we going next? Roman Catholic responses to Humanism and Singer