Simple Male Organ Protection Strategies


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Presentation transcript:

Simple Male Organ Protection Strategies

Way up at the top of most men’s “must do” lists is to protect their precious male organ health – a goal that is both understandable and laudable. After all, good male organ protection increases the odds that a guy’s favorite member will be ready to go into action whenever it is called upon. So with male organ protection so important, what strategies can a man employ to keep his manhood in peak condition? Many of them don’t have an obvious connection to the member, but all are valuable.male organ health

Some simple strategies Cut down on the tube. It’s true: according to studies, watching too much television can impact male seed production. One 2010 study found that watching 20 or more hours of TV a week – perhaps because it implies a pretty sedentary lifestyle – resulted on average in production of 44% less male seed. Brush and floss more. Surprisingly, there seems to be a link between dental health and male organ health. Research found 80% of men with tumescence dysfunction also suffered from gum disease. Why? The bacteria that create gum disease don’t stay in the gums. They travel all around the body and can damage the blood vessels that are important for strong hardness.

Make like a bunny. Carrots are a big source of beta carotene, which is believed to help decrease the chances of male organ area cancer. Kick butts. Smoking is bad for health, period – and it’s no good for member protection either. Like the bacteria from gum disease, smoking does a real number on manhood blood vessels, causing damage that can make tumescence difficult to achieve and sustain. Watch the plastics. People are surrounded by plastic, but some studies suggest that may not be healthy – especially when it comes to food containers. BPAs in plastic can be harmful, especially when microwaved. One study linked exposure to BPAs from plastic to a 23% decrease in male seed. So take that Chinese food out of its container ASAP and reheat it on a plate instead.

Urinate before working out. Sometimes a guy heads out on the gym floor with more urine in his bladder than is good for him. Lifting – and especially squatting – can force excess urine into the sacks and in some cases that can lead to swelling and pain. Emptying the bladder before working out prevents that. Take the laptop off the lap. Sure, it’s so much easier to prop the laptop up on the midsection while in bed. Isn’t that the way it’s supposed to work? Unfortunately, the exposure to all that heat can raise the temperature in the sacks, which in turn can be a major turn-off for male seed production.

Hit the sack. All the demands of modern life sometimes make it difficult to get enough sleep, but men need to really make an effort. Men who get too little sleep not only have a lower sensual drive, they also may have more troubles with their tumescence. Use a barrier protection. This is basic common sense, but too many guys need to be reminded: Male organ protection often depends on keeping the manhood covered. It’s far too easy to contract a serious socially shared infection, and barrier protection use cuts down that risk spectacularly.

Male organ protection strategies can play a big role in maintaining manly health. So can daily use of a first rate male organ health crème (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin). It pays to look through crèmes and find one with both L-arginine and L carnitine. The former amino acid is part of the process by which nitric oxide is made, which in turn helps to ensure that male member blood vessels are more likely to be open and flowing. The latter is a neuroprotective ingredient which helps prevent loss of sensation to the manhood due to aggressive or rough handling.male organ health crème