Questions for Discussion For CIE course review
What is the most significant (important) thing the CIO should be doing? What is the highest contribution s/he can make to the company as the CIO?
How important is it that the CIO has a technical (IT) background? How important is it that the CIO keeps up with the latest technology advances?
Which is more important: Knowing what to do or How to do it?
How critical is corporate political skill to the CIO’s effectiveness How critical is corporate political skill to the CIO’s effectiveness? Why?
How critical is executive leadership skill to the CIO’s effectiveness How critical is executive leadership skill to the CIO’s effectiveness? Why?
Do you agree with the statement made by Steve Caldwell that what the CIO does is figure out what behaviors need to change to provide competitive strategic advantage and then creates the IT systems necessary to compel those behavioral changes? Justify your answer.
Why is that if IT Governance and IT Alignment are both done properly, they are indistinguishable from each other?
What are the downsides of doing this? Why is it important to get the other business leaders (other CXOs) to take ownership of the major IT initiatives in the company? What are the downsides of doing this?
What was valuable about the “other cultures” lectures and the international economics lectures?
What else did we learn that was important? ERM? PMOs? Gartner Hype Cycle? Marketing? InfoSec? Others?