MoU between the IHO and the OGC OGC Marine DWG Vancouver, Canada, 30 January 2017
The MoU The IHO and the OGC with the aim of effectively attaining the objectives set forth in their respective constituent instruments through collaborating on the development of their relevant standards related to hydrography and nautical charting, will act in close cooperation with each other and will consult each other regularly with regard to matters of common interest.
The MoU (continuation) - Both organizations agree to keep each other informed on current and planned activities in which there may be mutual interest. - IHO representatives may participate as non- voting observers in the relevant OGC groups. - OGC representatives may participate as non- voting observers in all the relevant bodies of the IHO.
The IHO groups The two main IHO groups which should interest the OGC are: Hydrographic Services and Standards Committee (HSSC) Marine Spatial Data Infrastructures Working Group (MSDIWG).
The OGC groups The main OGC groups: Marine Domain Working Group (Marine DWG) Technical and Planning Committee ISO/TC 211 Standards Working Groups (SWG): GMLJP2, GeoPackage, Moving Features, GeoTIFF, Discrete Global Grid Systems and Sensor Model Language (SensorML)
Standards Working Groups (SWG) GeoPackage - OGC standard that implements a container for data. The IHO will submit a paper to the next S-100WG meeting proposing that we use it for S-100 Product Specifications. If accepted by the S-100WG the IHO might want to participate in this SWG to implement some extensions.
Standards Working Groups (SWG) Moving Features - using the ISO/TC 211 standard 19141 (Schema for Moving Features) as the framework for its development. Although it is not a high priority for IHO work at the moment, it might be relevant for e- navigation, and for some of the IALA product specifications based on S-100.
Standards Working Groups (SWG) GMLJP2 and GeoTIFF - currently there is a plethora of image formats with very poor standardization. The IHO may use coverage images in the future - e.g. for generation of dynamic coverage information such as the under-keel go/no-go picture. The GMLJP2 provides a packaging mechanisms for including GML within JPEG 2000 image. This could be useful for some of the product specifications under development.
Standards Working Groups (SWG) Discrete Global Grid Systems - this is useful for the ocean mapping and data management. Introduced by Trevor Taylor at MSDIWG7 meeting (2016)
Standards Working Groups (SWG) Sensor Model Language (SensorML) – the IHO may consider defining a sensor model and develop a markup elements /entities for hydrographic sensors. May be considered by the newly established IHO Project Team on Standards for Hydrographic Surveys (HS PT).
Other OGC Standards SensorThings API - OGC standard specification for providing an open and unified way to interconnect IoT devices, data, and applications over the Web SeabedML - a GML Application Schema of the IOGP Seabed Survey Data Model (SSDM)
Thank you! Trevor Taylor (OGC) Alberto Costa Neves (IHO)