Japan during the 1920s By Debbie and Gemma
The Lifestyle By the late 1920s over 2 million Japanese workers were employed in large, mechanised factories, providing the core of a new, permanent working class. Women during the era of Japan had to either be self motivated class house wife, and the professional working woman. Sometimes women would also grow up and learn to be a geisha, usually to entertain the men. The men during this era of japan would be a hard working man that would go to work everyday to pay off the income, but sometimes also women had to step in and do some of the hard earnings as well.
Music: Geisha: Geisha are traditional female entertainers who act as hostesses and their skills would include performing various Japanese dance, singing, and a variety of instruments including hand drum, shoulder drum, shamisen or Japanese flute.
Art: Japanese art always brang an incredible vibrant colours to their artwork, with bold lines and splashy colours to life. Lots of artworks were about the ‘moga’ (modern girl) they had the bobbed hair bright lips, wearing high heals, smoking, drinking and a girl who would spend her time in dance halls.
Economic People from Japan began immigrating to the U.S. in significant numbers following the political, cultural, and social changes stemming from the 1868. but in 1924 theThe federal Immigration Act of 1924 banned immigration from Japan. japan was the leading world producer and exporter of silk in 1920's. The silk industry was one of the first branches of industry to be mechanised along factory lines, and throughout the period up to 1929, silk was Japan's most important export.
Government Taishō period: Born - July 30, 1912 Died- December 25, 1926) Taisho was the 123rd Emperor of Japan. Politically, the country moved toward larger representative government. The tax qualification for voting was reduced, empowering more voters, and was eliminated in 1925. Japan continued to push China for economic and political franchises and entered into treaties with Western nations that acknowledged its interests in Korea, Manchuria, and the rest of China. Rural Japan did not fare as well as urban Japan, and an economic depression at the end of the Taishō period caused much suffering.
Biography: http://www.sayuki.net/whoissayuki/what- is-geisha/ http://www.shmoop.com/1920s/gender.ht ml http://archive.vancouver.wsu.edu/crbeha/ja /ja.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_nati onalism