NPRRs 815NPRR Revise the Limitation of Load Resources Providing Responsive Reserve (RRS) Service. This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) revises the current limit of 50% for Load Resources providing Responsive Reserve (RRS) service to any capacity above a minimum level of RRS to be provided by Resources using Primary Frequency Response. 817NPRR Create a Panhandle Hub. This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) creates a trading Hub “Panhandle 345 kV Hub (Pan 345)” in the ERCOT panhandle. The NPRR also excludes this new Hub from the existing ERCOT-wide Hub average and Bus average calculations in Sections and NPRR825 Require ERCOT to Declare an Emergency Condition Prior to Curtailing any DC Tie Load. This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) requires ERCOT to declare an Emergency Condition prior to curtailing Direct Current Tie (DC Tie) Load. 829NPRR Incorporate Real-Time Non-Modeled Telemetered Net Generation by Load Zone into the Estimate of RTL. This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) provides a mechanism for a Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) with non-modeled generation to inform ERCOT in a timely manner the net generation to the ERCOT grid from their Non-Modeled Generators so that the output can be considered in the estimate of RTL. Absent this NPRR, output from Non-Modeled Generators is not included in estimating the QSE’s RTL, and the QSE is required to post a superfluous amount of collateral.
NPRRs 833NPRR Modify PTP Obligation Bid Clearing Change. This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) adjusts the language introduced by NPRR827, Disallow PTP Obligation Bid Award where Clearing Price exceeds Bid Price by $0.25/MW per hour, to account for the steady state that will result when ERCOT implements the long-term, automated change affecting Point-to-Point (PTP) Obligation bid clearing. ERCOT will update the DAM optimization engine to address the situation where a contingency disconnects a Resource Node. Instead of ignoring the PTP MWs in contingency analysis if that PTP sources or sinks at the disconnected point, the engine will “pick up” those MWs and distribute them to other nodes. The Settlement Point Price will include that “pick up” Shift Factor in the price calculation. In this implementation, the optimization price and the Settlement price will be equal (within one cent for rounding). 836NPRR Incorporation of Other Binding Document Forms into Protocol Section 23. This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) incorporates the following Other Binding Documents into the Protocols as a new Section 23, Forms. Currently, changes to these forms are made unilaterally by ERCOT: Congestion Revenue Right (CRR) Account Holder Application Form, Load Serving Entities (LSE) Application Form, Managed Capacity Declaration Form, Market Participant Agency Agreement Form, Notice of Change of Information, QSE Agency Agreement Form, QSE Application Form, Qualified Scheduling Entity Acknowledgement, Resource Entity Registration Form, Transmission/Distribution Service Provider Registration Form, and WAN Agreement. This NPRR also allows changes to these Section 23 forms to be made using the Administrative NPRR process 840NPRR Implementation of Infeasible Ancillary Service Protocol Revisions. This Nodal Protocol Revision Request (NPRR) synchronizes the implementation of NPRR782, Settlement of Infeasible Ancillary Services Due to Transmission Constraints, by removing the two hour advance notice period inadvertently left in Protocol language when NPRR782 was approved.