New Features of Your VoIP Phone National Aeronautics and Space Administration New Features of Your VoIP Phone Presenter: Kathleen O’Connor Date: February 11, 2009
New Security Features for VoIP Phone Personal Address Book & Fast Dials Available from the Services button (the globe) These features now require login for additional security Login will require Username and PIN Username same as VoIP Web site, e.g., jasmith Users can change PIN if desired (to add security to their Address Book) Address Book Login persistent until logout or phone reset -personal address book and personal fast dials are separate from the NASA directory. The directory is still accessible via the Directory button.
CallManager Web Site VoIP Phone customization New look and feel Easier to manage your phone features
Access CallManager Web Site To access the CallManager Web site: Click the Sign in to CISCO CALLMANAGER link
New Login Screen
Change Password and Pin Current version (left) only allows password changes (pins were changed via a call to the help desk and most were not aware it was an option) New version allows pin and password to be changed from the same page.
Setting Call Forwarding Select line from drop-down box -Forwarding calls and changing ring settings can now be done on one screen. This is beneficial for those who manage more than one line.
More New Features – Coming Soon! Message Monitor Allows you to listen to an incoming voicemail message while the caller is leaving it Phone View Visual message locator allows you to view a list of voicemail messages on your phone’s display Dropped Call Recovery Allows you to resume listening to a voicemail message if your call into the voicemail system is disconnected while retrieving Busy Lamp Field Allows you to monitor the busy/idle status of a specific extension and allow you to dial that extension with a single button when it becomes available Language Locale Allows your phone to display a different language
Message Monitor Set up Message Monitor for your voicemail box Screen pop-ups will appear when callers leave a voice message: Monitor – You can listen while the message is being left Take – The user [your name] is available and would like to take your call Ask – The user [your name] is available and would like to take your call Caller can then choose to talk to you or continue to leave a message
Phone View (Visual Message Locator) Access your voicemail box as usual Choose “Find Message” You can then view a list of all new messages, OR You can view all new and saved messages Once you have selected the message you want to hear, follow the usual steps to listen to and disposition the message
Dropped Call Recovery If you are disconnected from the voicemail system in the midst of retrieving a message, you can log back in and: Continue playing the interrupted message at the point when the call was dropped OR Start over from the beginning of the message This is available whether you intentionally hang up without listening to the entire message or if your call was accidentally dropped
Busy Lamp Field Allows you to monitor the busy/idle status of designated phone extensions When the extension becomes available, you can dial the extension with a single button Also allows single-button “blind” or “supervised” transfers to that extension Blind transfers allow you to transfer without an announcement Supervised transfers allow you to announce the caller
Language Locale Allows your phone to display in a different language 48 different languages available
Activating New Features User activated features Message Monitor Phone View Dropped Call Recovery Telecom activated features Call the IT Help Desk at 358-HELP (4357) to request: Busy Lamp Field Language Locale
For More Information and Training New phone features will be available in mid-March Visit the HQ VoIP Web site for FAQs, Instructions, and training information To request training you may call, e-mail, or visit the Computer Training Center (CTC): HQ Suite 3Q53 358-1111