Oilfield Companies in Egypt Alaa Galal 6th May 2017
Objectives Know oil and gas production cycle Know the differences between different oilfield companies Familiarisation with different company names Key required skills
Cycle of oil and gas production in Egypt Bidding for exploration concessions Owner companies perform seismic studies and drill exploration wells In case of success, drill appraisal then development wells In case of failure, big thank you for the owner Sign production sharing agreement and Create Joint Venture company Construct onshore and subsea facilities to treat gas or oil Refine or sell gas or oil Downstream services
Bidding for exploration concessions EGAS / EGPC Offer concessions for bidding Owner Companies ENI, BP, Shell, Apache, Total, DEA, ExxonMobil, Chevron Evaluate different concessions and go into bidding process
Drilling Wells Owner Companies Geologists, Drilling Engineers, Supply chain, Finance, HR…. Service Companies Surveying and seismic Wireline, L/MWD, cement, drilling tools, drilling fluid, ROV, Purchase pipe SLB, Halliburton, Bakerhughes, Weatherford, Tenaris…. Drilling Contractors Provide the drilling rig and people who run the rig Transocean, Ensco, Maersk, EDC Logistics companies Helicopters (PAS), vessels, trucks
Create Joint Venture Companies EGPC / EGas Owner Companies Sign production Sharing agreement and create joint venture companies Petrobel, Babetco, Gupco, Rasheed, Qarun, PhPC, SUCO….
Construct onshore and subsea facilities Owner or JV Companies Drill production wells Projects Team to manage the project. Engineering companies Design gas and oil treatment facilities ENPPI, Genesis, Bechtel, WGK Construction and Fabrication companies Manufacture the facilities Petrojet Offshore Installation PMS, Subsea 7, Saipem, Micoperi
Downstream Refineries Products distribution Renewables
Key Skills Passion to learn Communication and keeping good relations with everyone Confidence and well presenting yourself Understanding basics of business management