Subject: Unit VII Key Terms Questions Game Subject: Unit VII Key Terms
Question Review 1 2 3 4 5 6
1. Warren Court The Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren (1953-1969), which expanded the Constitution’s promise of equality and civil rights. It issued landmark decisions in the areas of civil rights, criminal rights, reproductive freedom, and separation of church and state.
2. Roe v. Wade 1973 Supreme Court ruling that the Constitution protects the right to abortion, which states cannot prohibit in the early stages of pregnancy. The decision galvanized social conservatives and made abortion a controversial policy issue for decades to come.
3. Bay of Pigs Failed U.S.-sponsored invasion of Cuba by anti-Castro forces in 1961 who planned to overthrow Fidel Castro’s government. The disaster humiliated Kennedy and the United States. It alienated Latin Americans who saw the invasion as another example of Yankee imperialism.
4. Agent Orange Herbicide used extensively during the Vietnam War to destroy the Vietcong’s jungle hideouts and food supply. Its use was later linked to a wide range of illnesses that veterans and the Vietnamese suffered after the war, including birth defects, cancer, and skin disorders.
5. Détente Term given to the easing of conflict between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Nixon administration by focusing on issues of common concern, such as arms control and trade.
6. Pentagon Papers Secret government documents published in 1971 containing an internal study of the Vietnam War. The documents further disillusioned the public by revealing that officials harbored pessimism about the war even as they made rosy public pronouncements about its progress.
Reference Roark, J. L., Johnson, M. P., Cohen, P. C., Stage, S., & Hartmann, S. M. (2013). The American promise: A concise history (5th ed.). Boston, MA: Bedford/St. Martin’s.