African Americans and the Civil War
The American civil war, 1861-1865
The war Began in April of 1861 At first Black men were not allowed to join the northern army Blacks had been barred from the army because of racial prejudice July 1862, Congress authorized the recruitment of “colored troops.” Emancipation Proclamation: former slaves to be “received into the armed services”
Emancipation Proclamation unpopular At the time it extremely was unpopular Very unpopular in the Confederacy (the South) Millions of northerners denounced it. Many northerners did not want to fight to free slaves Ignites and anti-war movement in the North Led by Midwestern Democrats Michigan, Ohio, Iowa, Indiana, and southern Illinois Some soldiers desert
Some Democrats favor a negotiated peace Some Democrats favored a negotiated peace with the South. Called “Peace Democrats” or “Copperheads” They were most active in Midwest They would allow the South to become an independent nation
Copperhead opposed the Draft Among other things, “Copperheads” opposed the draft Lincoln issued the first federal draft call in July 1863 Men between 20 and 45 were enrolled Men were allowed to buy their way out or hire a substitute Many hated the draft, in part because it favored the rich
The new York city draft riots July 12, 1863 -- Opposition to the draft triggered a riot in New York City A mob attacked and destroyed the draft office “Rich man’s war, poor man’s fight.” Rioting lasted three days Blacks were their main targets Black boarding houses A black church A black orphanage. A mob lynched a crippled black coachman to a lamppost About 110 people were killed
Political & Military leaders want Blacks to serve in the army “The colored population is the great available and yet unavailed of force for restoring the union. The bare sight of 50,000 armed and drilled black soldiers upon the banks of the Mississippi would end the rebellion at once, and who doubts that we can present that sight if we but take hold in earnest.”
Political & Military leaders want Blacks to serve in the army “Will the slave fight? If any man asks you, tell them no. But if anyone asks you will a Negro fight, tell them yes,” – Wendell Phillips “This for the emancipation of the Negro is the heaviest blow yet given the Confederacy. By arming the Negro we have added a powerful ally. They will make good soldiers.” – Ulysses Grant
African Americans in the Civil War 180,000 black men fought to free their people. 45,000 free blacks 134,000 former slaves By 1865, Blacks made up 10% off the northern army Black soldiers took part in 499 military engagements Black soldiers suffered a high death toll 1 in 5 died – (37,000)
Some Northern Blacks divided Divided over whether or not to enlist. Some resented Lincoln’s . . . ➢ hesitation on emancipation, ➢ refusal to consider suffrage for blacks ➢ endorsement of colonization. Many resented the way Blacks were treated by the Army Others feared retribution if they were captured
The Life of the Black soldier The life of a Black soldier was harder than that of a white soldier Period of enlistment was longer. Blacks were rarely promoted. Blacks were given inferior weapons. Blacks received worse medical care Blacks were given the worst jobs Blacks had to endure racism Earned less pay than whites
Black soldier took greater risks If captured, Black soldiers ran the risk of being treated as a runaway slave April 12, 1864, Fort Pillow in Tennessee 300 Black soldiers were killed The South refused to treat Blacks as POWS The North refused to participate in prisoner exchanges
Black men made good soldiers The typical Black volunteer made a dependable soldier Most whites soldiers came to respect their Black comrades. Black soldiers showed courage in battle The 54th Massachusetts Regiment Battery Wagner, SC – July 18, 1863 40% of the regiment died in the assault
Black sailors Black sailors life was considerably better than that of an infantryman. US Navy had never barred Blacks from enlisting September, 1861 the Navy began enlisting former slaves. The Navy treated its 29,000 Blacks fairly well. ☺ Blacks were quartered and messed with whites ☺ they enjoyed the same opportunity for promotion. ☺ Four Black sailors won the Navy Medal of Honor
Black Civilians Black civilians also made important contributions Blacks served as spies and guides Some Black women worked in hospitals or camps. Black charitable organizations assisted newly arrived slaves Frederick Douglass was a major recruiter for Union forces