Section 3 The muscles of head and neck 一、The muscles of head (一) The facial muscles 1 The epicranius (the occipitofrontalis) 2 The orbicularis oculi 3 The muscles around the mouth
Muscles of facial expression
Muscles of facial expression
(二) The masticatory muscles 1 The master 2 The temporalis 3 The medial pterygoid 4 The lateral pterygoid
Masticatory muscles
Masticatory muscles
二、The muscles of neck (一) The superficial group 1 The platysma 2 The sternocleidomastoid
Muscles of neck(anterior)
(二) The hyoid muscles 1 The suprahyoid muscles : the digastric 、the mylohyoid、the stylohyoid 、the geniohyoid 2 The infrahyoid muscles: the sternohyoid 、the omohyoid、 the sternothyroid、the thyrohyoid
(三) The deep cervical muscles 1 Lateral group: scalenus anterior 、 scalenus medius 、scalenus posterior 2 Medial group
Muscles of neck (deep)
Section 4 The muscles of upper limb 一、The muscles of shoulder 1 The deltoid 2 The suparspinatus 3 The infraspinatus 4 The teres minor 5 The teres major 6 The subscapularis
Muscles of shoulder
二、 The muscles of arm (一) The anterior group 1 The biceps brachii: has two heads. Actions : Flexes elbow joint and supinates forearm. 2 The coracobrachialis 3 The brachialis
Muscles of arm (ant. View)
Muscles of arm (deep view)
(二) The posterior group : The triceps brachii: has three heads. Action : Extends the elbow joint and its long head can also adduct the shoulder joint.
三、 The muscles of forearm (一) The anterior group ( nine in number) 1 The first layer : from radial to ulnar → The brachioradialis 、 The pronator teres 、 The flexor carpi radialis 、 The palmaris longus 、The flexor carpi ulnaris
Muscles of forearm
2 The second layer : The flexor digitorum superficialis 3 The third layer : Radial: The flexor pollicis longus Ulnar:The flexor digitorum profundus 4 The fourth layer : The pronator quadratus
Muscles of forearm(deep)
(二) The posterior group (ten in number) 1 The superficial layer : from radial to ulnar → The extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis 、The extensor digitorum 、The extensor digiti minimi and the extensor carpi ulnaris
Muscles of forearm(pos. view)
2 The deep layer : from radial to ulnar → The abductor pollicis longus 、The extensor pollicis brevis and longus 、The extensor indicis except the supinator
Muscles of forearm(pos. view-deep)
Muscles of forearm
2 The second layer : The flexor digitorum superficialis 3 The third layer : Radial: The flexor pollicis longus Ulnar:The flexor digitorum profundus 4 The fourth layer : The pronator quadratus
Muscles of forearm(deep)
(二) The posterior group (ten in number) 1 The superficial layer : from radial to ulnar → The extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis 、The extensor digitorum 、The extensor digiti minimi and the extensor carpi ulnaris
Muscles of forearm(pos. view)
2 The deep layer : from radial to ulnar → The abductor pollicis longus 、The extensor pollicis brevis and longus 、The extensor indicis except the supinator
Muscles of forearm(pos. view-deep)
四、 The muscles of hand (一) The lateral group : thenar (二) The medial group : hypothenar (三) The intermediate group 1 The lumbricales (four in number) 2 The interosseous muscles (seven in number)
Muscles of hand
Section 5 The muscles of lower limb 一、 The muscles of hip (一) The anterior group 1 The iliopsoas : includes the psoas major and the iliacus 2 The tensor fasciae latae
(二) The posterior group 1 The gluteus maximus 2 The gluteus medius 3 The gluteus minimus 4 The piriformis 5 The obturator internus 6 The quadratus femoris
Muscles of hip and thigh(pos. view)
Muscles of hip and thigh (pos. view)
(一) The anterior group 1 The sartorius 2 The quadriceps femoris : has four heads → the rectus femoris 、the vastus medialis 、the vastus lateralis 、the vastus intermedius . Actions: Extends the knee joint and the rectus femoris also flexes the thigh .
Muscles of thigh (ant. View)
Muscles of thigh (ant. View)
(二) The medial group The pectineus 、the adductor longus 、the gracilis 、the adductor brevis 、the adductor magnus
Muscles of thigh(deep)
(三) The posterior group 1 The biceps femoris 2 The semitendinosus 3 The semimembranosus
三、 The muscles of leg (一) The anterior group 1 The tibialis anterior 2 The extensor digitorum longus 3 The extensor hallucis longus Actions : dorsiflex the ankle joint and the tibialis anterior can invert the foot.
Muscles of leg(ant. View)
(二) The lateral group 1 The peroneus longus 2 The peroneus brevis Actions: evert the ankle joint and plantar-flex
Muscles of leg (lat. View)
(三) The posterior group 1 The superficial layer ( triceps surae ) a The gastrocnemius b The soleus
Muscles of leg (pos. view)
2 The deep layer a The flexor digitorum longus b The tibialis posterior c The flexor hallucis longus d The popliteus Actions : plantar-flexes the ankle joint and invert the foot.
四、 The muscles of foot