UPPER LIMB static & dynamic ORTHOSIS Made by: Armghan Anjum Orthotist & Prosthetist King Edward Medical University Lahore
Static orthosis
Shoulder & arm Orthosis Slings–figure of 8 orthosis: It is used to support shoulder, elbow and forearm. This helps in preventing subluxation of shoulder in hemiplegia, tetraplegia
Contd… Air-plane splint: It keeps the arm in 90° abduction and allows no movement in the glenohumeral joint. It is made of plastic or metal and it is held to the chest wall by straps or elastic bandage Indicated in: Erb’s palsy Burns in the axilla
Elbow Orthosis Static positioning elbow orthosis: To hold a damaged or unstable joint in alignment Static elbow wrist orthosis: It immobilizes elbow, forearm and wrist in functional position Commonly used in post burns rehabilitation
Wrist Orthosis Volar orthosis: Cock up splint Volar Wrist Hand Orthoses
Contd… Dorsal wrist orthosis: Long opponens splint Dorsal WHO
Hand Orthosis Short opponens orthosis Short opponens splint maintains wrist in radial extension (corrects ulnar deviation), a opponens bar (thumb in abduction and internal rotation) and a palmar arch
Contd… Bennet type of metal hand orthosis
Finger Orthosis Boutonniere orthosis A static splint corrects hyperflexion at PIP joint by 3-point pressure principle
Contd… Swan neck orthosis A static splint corrects hyperextension at PIP joint by 3-point pressure principle
Contd… Mallet finger orthosis A static splint corrects flexion at DIP joint by hyperextending it
Dynamic orthosis
Shoulder orthosis Balanced forearm orthosis: It is the most useful device to assist both elbow and shoulder function. It can be mounted on a wheelchair or on a table or occasionally on a belt at the level of iliac crest. It consists of a trough in which the proximal forearm rests. A pivot and linkage system under the trough is adjusted and preset so that the patient learn to produce movement at elbow and shoulder, with the movements of trunk and shoulder girdle
Elbow Orthosis Functional dynamic elbow flexion orthosis Functional dynamic elbow extension orthosis
Wrist Orthosis Dynamic wrist orthosis with dorsiflexion (extension) assist: It is a modified long opponens splint designed to assist wrist extension and allowing normal flexion of wrist.
Dynamic Hand Orthosis To substitute for absent or weak extension Wrist extension finger flexion reciprocal orthosis (Flexor Hinge Splint)
Hand and Finger Orthosis Metacarpophalangeal flexion orthosis to prevent the metacarpophalangeal extension (hyper-extension)
Contd…. Metacarpophalangeal extension orthosis for finger drop
contd… PIP extension stop PIP flexion stop
Contd… Thumb IP extension assist: Indicated in finger and thumb drop in radial nerve or posterior interosseus nerve injury
Contd… First dorsal interosseus assist: Keeps the index finger abducted and in opposition
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