Welcome To the 1st Regional Indiana/Kentucky Cancer Registrars Meeting and the 30th Annual KCR Fall Cancer Registrars Workshop Indiana Cancer Registrars Association Indiana Cancer Consortium
What was going on 30 years ago?
And we were a lot younger
Then Now
Then Now
Then Now
Thanks to you, we have come a long way since 1986. KCR is one of only six U.S. population-based cancer registries to receive the NAACCR gold certification for completeness, accuracy and timeliness every year since the certification program was established in 1997. KCR was one of only two population-based cancer registries honored by the NPCR at the CDC National Cancer Control Conference for “Significant Contributions in Cancer Prevention and Control”. KCR has been recognized by the CDC NPCR Program as a “Registry of Distinction” every year since this special recognition began. In 2013, KCR was recognized by the NCI SEER Program for excellence in “Data Quality” But, most importantly, because of YOU, we have made a meaningful difference in the lives of Kentucky residents.
An Example In 2001, Kentucky had the highest colorectal cancer incidence rate in the U.S. compared to all of the other states
In 2001, it was also noted that Kentucky was ranked 49th in colorectal cancer screening compared to all other states with the second to the lowest rate (34.7% of the age eligible population).
Based on this evidence, KCR assembled data about the burden of colorectal cancer and presented these data to each of the 15 District Cancer Councils in the state. Following these presentations, all 15 of the District Cancer Councils implemented evidence based cancer control intervention programs aimed at increasing colorectal cancer screening for age eligible people living in their District. In addition, based on these data a number of successful policy initiatives were implemented. What happened following the implementation of these colorectal cancer screening programs?
Source: http://cdc.gov/brfss, Accessed June 2016
P<.05 Source: http://www.kcr.uky.edu, Accessed June 2016
P<.05 Source: http://www.kcr.uky.edu, Accessed June 2016
A 25% reduction in colorectal cancer incidence and a 30% reduction in colorectal cancer mortality is a significant public health success. The population-based cancer registry is the eyes of our cancer prevention and control efforts. We would not have seen this problem without your work and we could not have measured to effectiveness of our intervention programs without your work.
Thank you for the incredible work you do!
Welcome To the 1st Regional Indiana/Kentucky Cancer Registrars Meeting and the 30th Annual KCR Fall Cancer Registrars Workshop Indiana Cancer Registrars Association Indiana Cancer Consortium