ORCID Connecting research & researchers


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Presentation transcript:

ORCID Connecting research & researchers Asia OA Summit 15 November 2016 Nobuko MIyairi Regional Director, Asia Pacific http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3229-5662

What is ORCID?

Who we are Founded in 2010; service started in 2012 Non-profit, non-proprietary, open Global, interdisciplinary, independent Researcher-centered Supported by organizational memberships


ORCID provides a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes researchers from each other … and MORE

Why name disambiguation? BEFORE AFTER First name Last name Middle name Transliteration By affiliation By field By journal By co-authors …

There are 38 authors whose last name is “Wang” http://europepmc.org/abstract/MED/26799652 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/26799652 There are 38 authors whose last name is “Wang”

One of them used ORCID so he is distinguished from other “Wang” CLICK One of them used ORCID so he is distinguished from other “Wang”

CLICK http://europepmc.org/authors/0000-0003-1477-1466 In EuroPMC, clicking on the author name linked with his/her ORCID will show the researcher profile with the number of publications & citations, and search results correctly.

He uses ORCID so he is distinguished from other Wang C. The author Chengshu Wang is often listed as Wang C in his publications. He uses ORCID so he is distinguished from other Wang C. His publications are searchable by his ORCID (not by name) in EuroPMC, … and links back to his ORCID record to show his bio, and more publications. https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1477-1466

ORCID is OPT-in ORCID is an opt-in system You own your record and control visibility You can give explicit permissions to ORCID member organizations so they can read and update your record on your behalf

ORCID member organizations Researcher ORCID record Basic information Name Email addresses      etc. Account settings Biography, Education, Affiliation Research activities Publication Peer review Patents Grants  etc. xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx Register & Manage ORCID record Permissions to use ORCID record Add & update activities ORCID member organizations

ORCID enables assertions ORCID member organizations ensure persistent identifiers for people, places, and things are connected in research workflows

ORCID is NOT a profile system Profile systems Open Allows assertion Managed by researchers + ORCID community Proprietary & closed Value add Managed by researchers themselves

Link to other identifiers

ORCID is a hub Repositories Funders Higher Education and Employers Professional Associations Other person identifiers Publishers ORCID connects different ID systems through open & persistent identifiers Machine-readable Interoperable DOI ISBN ORCID was formed to address the problem of name ambiguity in scholarly communications.

Orcid provides: Plumbing for research information Tools to build trust in digital information Persistent digital identifiers to distinguish researchers from each other Member-built integrations enabling automated links between researchers and their activities/affiliations A hub for machine-readable connections between identifiers for organizations, funding, outputs, and people 18

How ORCID works

ORCID @ publications http://www.nature.com/articles/ncomms11605

ORCID in manuscript submission More and more publishers & associations adopt ORCID in manuscript submission process

ORCID auto-update Publisher Author Link own ORCID to author profile Add ORCID to co-authors too Publisher Embed authors’ ORCID in the metadata when the manuscript is accepted Check authors’ ORCID in the metadata when assigning DOIs to new publications Receive new publication info from Crossref and add to authors’ ORCID records Notified by email

OAuth authentication Log in with an existing ORCID iD or Create a new iD if you don’t have one

Researcher permissions Give permissions to Crossref so your new publications will be automatically added to your ORCID record

ORCID Single Sign-on Use ORCID to log in multiple journal sites

ORCID publisher mandates Other publishers requiring ORCID iDs in 2016: PLOS, eLIFE, Science, Hindawi, IEEE, AGU… Publishers starting to mandate ORCID in manuscript submission http://orcid.org/content/requiring-orcid-publication-workflows-open-letter

Credit peer review Publishers can credit peer reviewers by inserting to one’s ORCID record

ORCID @ Databases ORCID data feed allows databases to insert ORCID iDs retrospectively in their records

ORCID in RIMs Profile systems, CRIS, and RIMs are integrating ORCID: single/federated sign on, connecting iDs to university systems, exchange of information, updating information, asserting affiliation Some examples: Piirus ResearcherID VIVO SciENcv PURE Symplectic Converis InfoEd University Office Publons Academic Karma ….and many home-grown systems

ORCID @ Funders Request permission during grant application Collect identifier Display in internal systems Assert funding in ORCID record Information available to reuse in other systems

Collect & Connect Publishers and Repositories: COLLECT iDs for authors, contributors, and reviewers; PUBLISH iD with work, POST paper, dataset, review IDs; RECEIVE updates Associations: COLLECT iDs for members, authors, and meeting participants; POST affiliation and presentation IDs; RECEIVE updates Funders: COLLECT iDs at grant submission and review; PUBLISH with award; POST grant IDs researcher record; RECEIVE updates Universities: COLLECT iDs for new staff and students, at thesis submission, in faculty profile systems; POST affiliation IDs; RECEIVE updates In 2016 we are launching a “Levels Program” to clearly articulate how organizations can and should be collecting and connecting ORCID identifers. Our goals are to clariy goals and expectations across sectors and improve the trust in connections between researchers and their proessional afliations and activities. We will be enhanc- ing our current guidance by defning prior- ity implementation scenarios by sector and developing streamlined communications and technical documentation.17 ORCID is a com- munity eort: to beneft, all must participate.

Collect & Connect flow DISPLAY In metadata On sites In publications Affiliations (employers) Works (publishers) Awards (funders)

ORCID in repositories

ORCID @ Repositories DataCite Dspace ePrints EThOS HUBzero Hydra/Fedora InSPIRE Vireo Reactome http://orcid.org/blog/2014/03/10/orcid-repositories-and-researchers

“From the 5,523,577 articles with a DOI that existed in the CORE collection, we discovered that 196,713 different authors had an ORCID id, and 927,645 articles included at list one ORCID id.” https://blog.core.ac.uk/2016/10/21/analysing-orcid-coverage-across-repositories-through-core/

ORCID @ Repositories Example: King Abdullah University of Science & Technology It is the researchers that benefit greatly from ORCID iDs. They can use them throughout their career, and can already use them to distinguish themselves in publications and grants. And many are starting to see the benefits of using ORCID records in outcome tracking. For example, researchers in Portugal who receive federal funding provide their ORCID iD, and benefit from coordinated outcomes reporting by using the ORCID registry as a hub.

Collect, Connect, and Update http://orcid.kaust.edu.sa/

ORCID @ Institutions Research institutions offer personal homepages where researchers can link their ORCID iDs and showcase their research output globally.

ORCID @ national database https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/profile/44962

findable accessible interoperable reusable ORCID is FAIR ORCID aligns with FAIR guiding principles: findable accessible interoperable reusable 41

Thoughts for integrations Is the repository: Does the organization: Self-archiving? With unique contents? Automatic sync, or manual update? DOI? Open source, proprietary, self-build? Has multiple integration points? Has technical resources? Benefit from ORCID?

ORCID community

The ORCID COMMUNITY Over 2.7 million researchers 550 members from 39 countries, including national consortia in the UK, Denmark, Finland, Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and 4 regional consortia in the US Over 250 integrations in each sector of the research community

holders (& members) in APAC China 105,417 (3) Japan 43,828 (9) South Korea 28,534 (2) Taiwan 16,090 (8) India 41,261 (1) Hong Kong 8,765 (8) Malaysia 11,110 (1) Singapore 6,067 (1) Indonesia 4,838 (0) Vietnam 3,776 (0) Australia 49,650 (43) Thailand 3,667 (0) Philippines 2,586 (0) New Zealand 7,186 (37)

Slide created by Natasha Simons, ANDS

Slide created by Natasha Simons, ANDS

CAUDIT (Council of Australian University Directors of Information Technology) CAUL (Council of Australian University Librarians) AAF (Australian Access Federation) ARMS (Australasian Research Management Society) ANDS (Australian National Data Service) ARC (Australian Research Council) NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research Council) Universities Australia

It’s a community effort! ORCID is a community effort It’s a community effort!

Why membership? Researchers can save time if the organizations they interact with become ORCID members, connect iDs and their publications, funding, and other research activity records They need support from their affiliated organizations to understand What is ORCID Why use ORCID How to make it easy and spend LESS time on admin process, and MORE on research activities

ORCID ambassadors Group of volunteers help spread the word for ORCID! Australia 2 China 1 Hong Kong 1 India 2 Indonesia 2 Japan 1 Malaysia 1 Philippines 1 Singapore 2

ORCID Regional Director, Asia Pacific Thanks! Nobuko Miyairi ORCID Regional Director, Asia Pacific n.miyairi@orcid.org