Session 05: Promoting data publishing Image from Billy W obtained via Mélianie Raymond GB22 Training event for Nodes - 5 October 2015
Data holders – a key audience for GBIf One of the six GBIF audiences Diverse group including: Natural history collection curators Authors and publishers of scientific research Libraries Citizen scientists Generators of remotely-sensed data Environmental impact assessment consultants Indigenous and local communities…
Primary communication needs Information on the importance and benefits of sharing and publishing data in standard formats that make them widely discoverable and re-usable Clear guidance on how to publish data Onward communication tools to make the case for investment in digitization and publication of biodiversity data
Key messages GBIF is of value because it: Enables efficient means to mobilize, manage and publish digital biodiversity data Helps provide institutional visibility and recognition for sharing biodiversity data in formats suitable for discovery and re-use Provides free, open-access tools and guidance for publishing digital datasets Promotes practices that ensure data persistence and data provenance Helps comply with open data regulations and requirements
Examples – Posters & presentations
Examples – Infographics
Examples – Videos Belgian Biodiversity Platform reBiND project Que es el SiB Colombia? AgroMag in Benin
Other ideas
Presentation of resources and group discussion Session outline Split into two subgroups Choose a scenario and inform the other subgroup 35 min to prepare resource Present resource to the other subgroup Group discussion taking the role of a data holder Swap! Share experiences on community site Scenario 1 Scenario 3 35 min Presentation of resources and group discussion
Scenario 1 Type of interaction: Running a booth at an international congress of conservation practitioners Target audience: International conservation biologists, NGOs and policy makers with limited prior knowledge of GBIF Examples of resource type: Brochure/handout, or poster, a series of posts in social media, an ad in the congress booklet… Photo: Dmitry Schigel at GBIF booth at ICCB-ECCB Montpellier, August 2015 (credit Alberto González-Talaván)
Scenario 2 Type of interaction: An institutional visit to a major natural history museum in the process of digitizing their collections Target audience: Museum staff - curators, taxonomists Examples of resource types: Presentation, draft script, brochure/handout… Photo: Dmitry Lyskov at Moscow University Herbarium; photo credit Alexey Seregin
Examples of resource type: Presentation deck, poster, video… Scenario 3 Type of interaction: You are approached by a member of your board with a request for material to promote data publishing at an upcoming scientific conference. Target audience: Scientific researchers; e.g. marine biologists; agrobiodiversity specialists… Examples of resource type: Presentation deck, poster, video… Photo: Posters at Africa Rising conference, May 2015
Session 05: Promoting data publishing Image from Billy W obtained via Mélianie Raymond GB22 Training event for Nodes - 5 October 2015