What this activity will show you 1 What this activity will show you How to easily find information on the internet.
Who will use this activity? 2 Who will use this activity? People wanting to improve their search skills and get the best results when looking for information on the internet.
An internet connection. 3 What you’ll need A Desktop PC or laptop. A Mobile device like a Tablet or mobile phone. An internet connection.
Learn how to improve your search skills and get the best results. 4 Just Google it! Just Google It is a common response from people when you ask a question. But there is so much information on the internet it can be hard to find what you want. Learn how to improve your search skills and get the best results.
5 What is a Search Engine? A specialised website that can help you find the information you're looking for. Some of the most popular ones are: Different search engines can show different search results.
6 Using a Search Engine Just type one or more keywords in the search box. The search engine will look for matching web sites from all over the Web.
Other browsers include Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. 7 What is a Browser? Google Chrome and Internet Explorer (IE) are the most popular web browsers. Other browsers include Safari, Mozilla Firefox or Opera. Browsers may look different but they have the same goal: to display web pages correctly.
Searching from a web browser 8 Searching from a web browser The search bar is the box at the top of your browser that shows the Web site address. Browsers have combined the address bar and the search bar. To search in the address bar just type e.g. weather and press Enter. weather
9 Search results The search results will look something like this. Sometimes Ads appear first so scroll down to see more. Click on the blue link and you will be taken to the web page. weather
10 Links You can move around a website by clicking on links. A link can be text or an image. It is usually blue and may be underlined, e.g. this is a link. A link will take you to another web page, a document or even a video. If you hover the mouse over a link the pointer changes to a hand symbol.
11 Navigation Buttons If you want to go back to a previous page use your browser's back button. You can press the forward button to move forward again.
What to type when searching 12 What to type when searching Use the most specific or relevant keywords or phrases to describe your topic e.g. weather mandurah Capitals and punctuation are not needed. Search engines usually disregard minor words such as "the, and, to"