2. QUIZE Save Water, Safe Water
On average, how many litres of water does it take to Flush a modern toilet? 4 L
On average, how many litres of water does it take to fill a bath? 80 l
On average, how many litres of water does it take to have a shower using a power shower? 60 L
On average, how many litres of water does it take to brush your teeth On average, how many litres of water does it take to brush your teeth? 1 L
On average, how many litres of water does it take to Wash up after dinner in a bowl ? 3 L
How many glasses of water should the average person drink in a day How many glasses of water should the average person drink in a day? 8 glasses
What can you do to save water when brushing your teeth? Turn of the tap!
How can you make use of used water from your bath? Washing car!
How can you make use of rainwater? For Garden!
Which is the scientific symbol for water? H2O
The natural cycle of water is called: Hydrologic Cycle
Which human activity uses the most water? Irrigation
How much water does one city-dweller use per day just by taking a shower, flushing the toilet, washing dishes and clothes, etc.? 100–300 litres
When using a washing machine, it should be full
Imagine your tap is leaking drop after drop Imagine your tap is leaking drop after drop. How much water is lost from this leaking tap per day? About 100 liters of water
How many litres of water are needed to grow one kilogram of chicken How many litres of water are needed to grow one kilogram of chicken? 3500 litres