John Christian President, Logistics, Processing and Disposal Reactor Decommissioning Marketplace Perspective Ken Robuck President, EnergySolutions
EnergySolutions D&D Commitment EnergySolutions is growing and committed to supporting the commercial nuclear industry Commercial nuclear D&D is our #1 “Strategic Initiative” for the future We are expanding our resources and committing to the future
EnergySolutions D&D Team Ken Robuck John Sauger Operations Tom Nauman Business Development John Hess Commercial Our EnergySolutions leadership team brings over 50 combined-years of direct hands-on D&D experience Our D&D projects include: Big Rock LaCrosse Connecticut Yankee TMI-2 Humboldt Bay Fort St. Vrain Saxton Millstone-1 Dresden-1 SONGS Zion Fukushima Daiichi Maine Yankee
D&D Market Overview
Decommissioning Strategic Initiative EnergySolutions for the last 20-plus years has been a leader in D&D From Fort St. Vrain to San Onofre… EnergySolutions has delivered EnergySolutions has been a reliable partner to our clients and the future of nuclear power hangs in the balance of successful D&D We need to “End with the Start in Mind” EnergySolutions is committed to Safety and Environmental Stewardship Earning the trust of all stakeholders is key to success EnergySolutions is uniquely committed to making the investments necessary to be positioned for the upcoming wave of D&D projects. Examples include: Waste Management, Transportation & Disposal Infrastructure Having the resources necessary to provide Technical “Solutions” Providing the capital commitment to remove financial barriers
Key Nuclear Statistics (January 2015) 30 NRC regulated reactors in the US have entered into D&D 12 Units have completed DECON 6 Units – DECON is underway or beginning (includes SONGS 2&3) 12 Units are in SAFSTOR (Including VY, Kewanee & Crystal River) 30 countries worldwide are operating 437 nuclear reactors for electricity generation and 71 new nuclear plants are under construction in 15 countries License renewal: 75 reactors have received 20-year license renewals to operate for a total of 60 years. 25 reactors have applied for or announced intentions to renew their licenses for another 20 years. Average costs per unit have increased significantly to a range exceeding $1B/unit (inclusive of associated fuel and site restoration costs)
Current Domestic D&D Active Projects Over the past 18 months, 5 commercial nuclear reactors have entered the initial D&D process and 4 units are continuing active DECON activities Vermont Yankee LaCrosse Kewaunee Humboldt Bay Zion 1 & 2 San Onofre Crystal River Active DECON projects (Humboldt Bay, Lacrosse, and Zion 1&2) Newly Retired Units Entering SAFSTOR (Crystal River , Kewanee & Vermont Yankee ) Newly Retired Units DECON D&D Op’s Contract “DOC” Under Development” (SONGS 2/3)
International Commercial Nuclear D&D Amenable Market International Commercial Nuclear D&D Market ($B) Approximately half of the world’s nuclear reactors are expected to be closed by 2030, creating a substantial market for the commercial nuclear reactor decommissioning industry in the years to come, states a new report from business intelligence experts GlobalData. Projected International Commercial D&D Market Growth ($B)
Domestic Commercial Nuclear D&D Amenable Market Plants Actively Pursuing DECON or Entering SAFSTOR 2015 Domestic Commercial D&D Market * Estimates include Spent Fuel Management Costs
License Stewardship “Zion Model” What is the Zion D&D model and why is it good for the industry… and EnergySolutions? D&D is not a typical Utility core competency Transfer risk for D&D – one contracting entity to carry the risk SAFESTOR is not a low risk model Disposal space is finite Regulatory baselines can change (Fukushima) Plants continue to need managing – cost money Stakeholders do not like multi-generated “mothballing” the problem We have proved accelerated cleanup can be achieved at lower cost The business model is good for EnergySolutions. It provides long term project backlog and early waste management and disposal
Zion Model D&D – “Different by Design EnergySolutions acquired the Zion plant on September 1, 2010 10 CFR 50 Licenses transferred from Exelon to ZionSolutions NDT funds transferred to ES/ZS Trustee 10-Year Maximum Completion Schedule 12-14 years earlier than Exelon’s previous schedule Current plan is to finish in 8-9 years Exelon’s Schedule ZionSolutions’ Schedule D&D Planning Start 2013 2010 D&D Operations Start ~2015 Site Restoration Complete 2032 2020 2018
Zion Project Update
Zion Project Status Key Project Status & Overview ISFSI and Spent Fuel Campaign Reactor Vessel Internal Segmentation License Termination Plan Development and Submittal Schedule & Upcoming Major Milestones Cost Projection Update
Zion ISFSI Industry record setting cask loading campaign (61 casks in 52 weeks) Largest Decommissioned site ISFSI in the US to date Extra effort (fuel bale repairs) expanded to ensure ultimate compliance with TBD Department of Energy requirements First modern D&D ISFSI Security command center to be accepted by NRC Zion Fuel Transfer Team - January 10, 2015
Reactor Vessel Internals Segmentation
Reactor Vessel Internals Segmentation Mechanical cutting completed in both Reactor Vessels Utilized mechanical cutting to avoid significant secondary waste creation and eliminate the significant radiological concerns experienced in previous D&D projects Lessons learned and experience to provide benefit to future D&D projects Most cost effective vessel internal segmentation project to date Optimize cutting and waste loading campaign to minimize class B&C waste costs Worked both units in parallel to stay off a critical path and not interfere with Spent fuel loading Setting up for innovative reactor vessel segmentation project that will allow for gondola car transportation of vessel and Class A disposal at Clive
License Termination Plan Submittal The draft Zion License Termination Plan was finished and submitted to the NRC in December 2014 End State Conditions Include: Lake Intake and Discharge Piping abandoned in place All Class A, B & C waste disposed off site Spent Fuel & GTCC in Dry Storage on ISFSI ISFSI, switchyard, roads, rail & fences remain Land restored to allow unrestricted use of the site IAW NRC criteria with the exception of the ISFSI All structures removed to 3 ft below grade The NRC License revised for ISFSI only and transferred back to Exelon Land returned to Exelon for future beneficial re-use
Zion Project: Schedule Update Schedule Update per Exelon Agreement: Major Milestones Include: Completion of ISFSI (Complete) Completion of Reactor Vessel Segmentation (Complete) Completion of Major Component Removal Projects (Complete) Submittal of approval of LTP (Complete) Completion of Radiological DECON (2018) Completion of Final Site Survey (FSS) (2018) Completion of Site Restoration (2019)