© CEA Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction totale ou partielle sur quelque support que ce soit ou utilisation du contenu de ce document est interdite sans lautorisation écrite préalable du CEA All rights reserved. Any reproduction in whole or in part on any medium or use of the information contained herein is prohibited without the prior written consent of CEA LETI MODERN Contribution to WP5 Contribution to WP5.2: Demonstrator : design, implementation and characterization Status : –Design of a full chip in 32 nm : LoCoMoTIV –Full AVFS architecture –Including WP3 and WP4 IP contributions –PG tape : December Deliverables: –D5.2.2: Test chip simulation results : on track –D5.2.3 : IP block design and layout : on track –D5.5.4 : test chip characterization : on track
© CEA Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction totale ou partielle sur quelque support que ce soit ou utilisation du contenu de ce document est interdite sans lautorisation écrite préalable du CEA All rights reserved. Any reproduction in whole or in part on any medium or use of the information contained herein is prohibited without the prior written consent of CEA A dynamic adaptive Architecture –Performances improvements: DVFS vs AVFS Power supply (V) Period (ns) Power (mW) DVFS AVFS DVFS AVFS Same Speed Same Power
© CEA Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction totale ou partielle sur quelque support que ce soit ou utilisation du contenu de ce document est interdite sans lautorisation écrite préalable du CEA All rights reserved. Any reproduction in whole or in part on any medium or use of the information contained herein is prohibited without the prior written consent of CEA Architecture Overview A fine grain Local Dynamic Adaptive voltage and frequency scaling architecture Diagnostic: –Process-Voltage-Temperature –Timing fault detection or prevention (WP3) Actuators: –Based on Vdd-hopping –Local clock generation using FLL Power/Variability Control –Local control with minimum hardware (WP4) –Global control : high level algorithms Main HW objective : a minimum hardware based on standard cells and simple analog macros for flow insertion and maximum efficiency PE CVPU ANOC RunTime 0.9v 0.7v PE CVPU 0.9v 0.7v
© CEA Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction totale ou partielle sur quelque support que ce soit ou utilisation du contenu de ce document est interdite sans lautorisation écrite préalable du CEA All rights reserved. Any reproduction in whole or in part on any medium or use of the information contained herein is prohibited without the prior written consent of CEA LoCoMoTIV architecture An AVFS GALS approach at fine grain to reach an optimum energetic point according to PVT variations D-$ Local Compensation of Modern Technology Induced Variability ANOC L2-RAM ITs Debug & Test Unit NI DMA MSM Memory Mapped Peripherals WDT HWS TMS TCK TDI TDO BI BO 16KB P-$ OCE 32-KB TCDM STxP70-V4 (Rev. A) + ITC #1 16KB P-$ OCE 32-KB TCDM STxP70-V4 (Rev. A) + ITC #2 16KB P-$ OCE 32-KB TCDM STxP70 16KB P-$ OCE 32-KB TCDM STxP70 Hopping / FLL S PVT CVP-U NI CVP-U NI Hopping / FLL S PVT NI Asynchronous NoC V/F Local actuators Timing Fault Detectors PVT sensors 4 XP70 µP Dedicated memory blocks Local Controller CVP : Clock- Vraiability-Power
© CEA Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction totale ou partielle sur quelque support que ce soit ou utilisation du contenu de ce document est interdite sans lautorisation écrite préalable du CEA All rights reserved. Any reproduction in whole or in part on any medium or use of the information contained herein is prohibited without the prior written consent of CEA LoCoMoTIV flooplan CDMA PE0 PE1 PE2 PE3 ANOC L2RAM Hopping transition and switches : Voltage genration PVT probes Fully digital FLL : Frequency generation BACK
CONFIDENTIAL Task 5.2 IFXA Objective and Outline Objective: development and verification of monitor & control (M&C) strategies for AMS&RF circuits to deal with aging/reliability issues and aging induced parameter variations in nanometer CMOS. Close link to T3.3 (M&C concept development) Outline –Basic aging/reliability assessment identify sensitivities Aging simulations (proof of sim.-concept, model-hardware correlation in T5.2) Dedicated test-structures for transient effects and aging-parameter-variations –Development of M&C concepts T3.3 –Implementation and verification of M&C concepts Silicon based proof of concept Concept development for accelerated aging/stress tests T5.2 Development of characterization methods (fast transient effects) T5.2 6 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010
CONFIDENTIAL Task 5.2 IFXA Completed and Remaining Activities Test-chip status: –TC #1 (32nm CMOS): taped, lab characterization completed –TC #2 (32nm CMOS): taped, lab characterization on-going –TC #3 (28nm CMOS): design on-going, tape-out end 2010 Status basic aging/reliability assessment (-> circuit level results)(-> circuit level results) –Circuit level aging simulation flow proven on TC1 (OpAmps, VCOs) –Structures for transient effects and aging-variations implemented on TC2 7 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 Static offset Recovery OpAmp: Offset drift VCO: aging of startup VDD
CONFIDENTIAL Task 5.2 IFXA Completed and Remaining Activities Status implementation & verification of M&C conceptsM&C concepts –Accelerated aging test-setup proven on TC1 and TC2 (OpAmps, VCOs) –Fast offset characterization method (transient effects) proven on TC2 –Measurements to be finalized on TC2 ADC incl. error correction (static & transient offsets) Switch degradation monitor circuits Variations of aging parameters Novel burn-in concept (to increase robustness and compensate PV) –Macros to be implemented on TC3 Switch control circuits to be implemented on TC3 DCDC test-structures 8 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 BACK
CONFIDENTIAL Task 3.3 IFXA Key Results Aging Assessment Majority of key blocks AMS & RF is inherently robust (self-regulation) Sensitive cases –Non-linear / asymmetric operation (comparator) –Full scale driven devices (switches, VCO, …) Transient effects (recovery) significantly contribute Variations of aging parameters need to be considered ( T5.2) Scaling 65nm to 32nm: not absolute values but sensitivities change 9 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 Static offset Recovery OpAmp: Offset drift VCO: aging of startup VDD
CONFIDENTIAL Task 3.3 IFXA Key Results M&C Development Switches –Monitor concepts: ring oscillator, current sensing –Control: frequency locked loop, analog control loop Aging induced offsets –Avoid offset generation: e.g. chopping (comparator) –Correction of static & dynamic effects: e.g. error correction by redundancy –Burn-in: dedicated stress to increase robustness and compensate PV 10 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 ADC search algorithm incl. redundancy
CONFIDENTIAL Task 3.3 IFXA Completed and Remaining Activities Testchip #1 and #2 taped, samples not fully characterized, design of #3 on-going Basic aging/reliability assessment almost completed –Simulations completed, sim.-concept verified (TC1, OpAmps, VCOs) –Structures for transient effects and aging-variations implemented on TC2 Development of M&C concepts completed Implementation and verification of M&C concepts ongoing –Accelerated aging test-setup proven on TC1 and TC2 –Fast offset characterization method proven on TC2 –TC2 Switch monitor circuits ADC incl. error correction –TC3 Switch control circuits to be implemented on TC3 DCDC test-structures Concept development for accelerated aging/stress tests 11 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010
CONFIDENTIAL 12 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010
CONFIDENTIAL 13 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010
CONFIDENTIAL 14 MODERN General Meetings Catania, Nov. 9 & 10, 2010 BACK
MODERN WP5 THALES foreseen activities 10 November 2010
WP4 Web Meeting Slide 16 of November 2009 THL activities in MODERN linked to WP5 Up to now we (THL) have had contributions in WP4 to develop a SystemC simulator of a predictable fault-tolerant multicore chip (based on the ISD network) with embedded middleware and operating libraries. developed a processor tile designed and implemented fault injection scenarios design the multicore chip with ISD network implemented a SystemC simulator of the chip designed and implemented operating libraries, middleware and tools modified in-house tools to generate parallel code for this architecture designed, developed and implemented a video detection algorithm on top of the architecture based on the Viola & Jones face detection (Haar filters).
WP4 Web Meeting Slide 17 of November 2009 Architecture (SystemC) … NUMA SHMEM Supervisor : TILE 0 CTR DMA LMEM NIM CTR: ConTRoler DMA: Direct Memory Access NIM: Network Interface Module (Makes network protocol translation) ISD HyperCube Network iNoC : Internal Network OCP TL2 ACC: ACCelerator LMEM: Local MEMory SHMEM: SHared MEMory NUMA: Non Uniform Memory Access TILE 1 CTRACC DMA LMEM NIM TILE N CTRACC DMA LMEM NIM
WP4 Web Meeting Slide 18 of November 2009 Fault Scenario Definition Memory faults: a fault occurs randomly in shared data memory (e.g. wrong value written). A read time, the memory tells the reading tile that data contains errors. This reading tile sends a message to the supervisor tile. The supervisor takes actions to solve the problem. Tile faults: a processing tile sends periodically a message to the supervisor tile (watchdog). When it stops doing so, the supervisor takes actions to solve the problem. To solve a problem, the supervisor : Stops the processing tiles Find a new memory mapping and tile mapping. Configure the network according to that mapping. Restart the processing tiles
WP5 foreseen activities and deadlines WP5: multicore chip FPGA implementation M27: D5.2.2: VHDL IPs developed supervisor Tile, NIM, SHMEM controler, NoC Software developed Tile bootloader, SHMEM test access M36: D5.3.3 Several Tiles (12 foreseen) Develop HAL Reuse Operating Libraries from SystemC Video detection application. Supervisor : TILE 0 CTR DMA LMEM NIM BACK