6.1 – POLITICAL PARTIES Exit Ticket – 6.1: Example Ideology Major Party Susie thinks that federal & state govts should spend more money to reduce poverty & economic inequality. She supports abortion access for women and wants more restrictions on guns. She thinks that the federal govt should stay out of wars in the Middle East. She opposes trade deals with countries that can pay workers less than wages in America. LIBERAL / CONSERVATIVE / OTHER (______________) REPUBLICAN / DEMOCRATIC / OTHER (_____________)
6.1 – POLITICAL PARTIES Exit Ticket – 6.1: Example Ideology Major Party Sally thinks that federal & state govts should spend less money on helping the poor (leave to charities) and that they should cut taxes for people making above $250,000 a year. She thinks we should decrease the number of immigrants the U.S. accepts each year and opposes same-sex marriage. She supports trade deals with countries in Asia & Latin America so that there are more affordable goods made in other countries. LIBERAL / CONSERVATIVE / OTHER (______________) REPUBLICAN / DEMOCRATIC / OTHER (_____________)
6.1 – POLITICAL PARTIES Exit Ticket – 6.1: Example Ideology Major Party Billy thinks that the federal govt should increase taxes on millionaires and provide free healthcare to all citizens. He thinks that, if most of his fellow citizens agree, govt should own some industries like energy & telecommunications, because he believes some businesses are too greedy or that they exploit the public. He thinks BOTH major political parties represent the interests of the wealthy only. LIBERAL / CONSERVATIVE / OTHER (SOCIALIST) REPUBLICAN / DEMOCRATIC / OTHER (SOCIALIST PARTY OR GREEN PARTY)
6.1 – POLITICAL PARTIES Exit Ticket – 6.1: Example Ideology Major Party Johnny thinks that the federal govt has become involved into too many things. He thinks govt should stay out of regulating or monitoring businesses. He thinks everyone should pay much lower taxes. He thinks government shouldn’t try to regulate gun ownership, abortion access, same-sex marriage, or recreational drug use. He thinks both major political parties are too involved in the economy & people’s personal lives. LIBERAL / CONSERVATIVE / OTHER (LIBERTARIAN) REPUBLICAN / DEMOCRATIC / OTHER (LIBERTARIAN PARTY)
EXIT TICKET: LOOK ON THE BACK OF YESTERDAY’S NOTES Exit Ticket – 6 EXIT TICKET: LOOK ON THE BACK OF YESTERDAY’S NOTES Exit Ticket – 6.2: Read pages 273-277 & answer questions below on SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. TURN IN BEFORE THE END OF CLASS! (1) Copy & complete the paragraph with the following words: plank, platform, political parties, third-party, two-party system. The U.S. has a TWO-PARTY system where only two POLITICAL PARTIES – Democrats & Republicans – win elections. While we have THIRD-PARTIES, such as the Green Party or Libertarians, they rarely win elections. Parties have different political views that are written down in a PLATFORM, made up of PLANKS, or individual positions on issues like education or foreign policy. (2) What were the FIRST two major parties in the U.S.? (p. 274, chart) FEDERALISTS & DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLICANS (3) What are the two major parties in the U.S. TODAY? (p. 274) DEMOCRATS & REPUBLICANS (4) What are the two characteristics & one example of one party systems? (p. 276) ONLY ONE PARTY ALLOWED TO EXIST & ONLY PARTY MEMBERS CAN FILL GOVT POSITIONS; EX: CHINA
EXIT TICKET: LOOK ON THE BACK OF YESTERDAY’S NOTES (5) What are two examples of multiparty systems, & what is one advantage (HINT: voters have more…) & one disadvantage? (p. 276) EX: CANADA & GERMANY; ADVANTAGE: VOTERS HAVE MORE CHOICES; DISADVANTAGE: GOVT MAY BREAK DOWN B/C OF SO MANY COMPETING INTERESTS OF THE PARTIES (6) Compare the beliefs Jefferson & Hamilton on which type of govt (national or state) should have more power & WHY? (p. 273) HAMILTON PREFERRED NATIONAL GOVT TO HAVE MORE POWER TO PROTECT INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS JEFFERSON PREFERRED STATE GOVTS TO HAVE MORE POWER B/C THESE GOVTS WERE CLOSER TO THE CITIZENS (7) List 3 obstacles that prevent third parties from winning elections in the U.S.A. (p. 275) DIFFICULTY RAISING MONEY TO COMPETE DIFFICULTY GAINING SIGNATURES TO GET ON THE BALLOT TWO-PARTY TRADITION IN THE USA
Exit Ticket – 6.3: ON THE BACK OF YOUR NOTE SHEETS Read pages 284(“Other Party Roles”) to 286 & answer the questions below on a SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. In what way do political parties help manage the government? (p. 285-286) Congress & state legislatures organize & carry out work on basis of party affiliation POTUS & governors have power to appoint supporter to high-level govt jobs Officials of same party at state & national level work together on mutual problems (2) Identify 3 ways in which parties and their candidates inform the public (p. 285) Make speeches, distribute campaign literature, run campaign ads (3) Identify 3 campaign roles party members play in supporting their party (p. 284) Raise money for campaigns, inform voters as candidates’ positions on issues, make sure supporters of candidate are registered to vote
Exit Ticket – 6.3: ON THE BACK OF YOUR NOTE SHEETS Read pages 327-328 & answer the questions below on a SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. (4) How does the media set the public agenda? (p. 330) When the media publicize a problem, people begin to worry about it & expect govt officials to deal w/ the problem (5) Explain how media & public officials depend on one another. (p. 328) Candidates want to be covered by the media & the media wants to have access to candidates & public officials (6) List three roles of the media (p. 327-328, titles) Set the public agenda, cover candidates, act as a watchdog
Exit Ticket – 6.3: ON THE BACK OF YOUR NOTE SHEETS Read pages 333-337 & answer the questions below on a SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. (7) How do public interest groups differ from private interest groups? (p. 334) Public interest groups support causes that affect most/all Americans, while private interest groups support the special interests of their own members (8) What are political action committees? (p. 334) Organizations set up by interest groups that collect money from members to use to support or oppose candidates (9) What are lobbyists? (p. 335) Representatives of interest groups who contact lawmakers & other govt officials to influence their decisions (10) List 2 benefits/pros & 2 dangers/cons of interest groups in a T-chart. (p. 337) PROS/BENEFITS DANGERS/CONS MAKE GOVT RESPONSIVE SPECIAL INTERESTS HAVE TOO MUCH SAY IN GOVT ALLOW CITIZENS TO ORGANIZE & PARTICIPATE IN POLITICAL SYSTEM CAMPAIGN CONTIRIBUTIONS GIVE INTEREST GROUPS IMPROPER INFLUENCE IN GOVT
Exit Ticket – 6.4: Read pages 293-296 & answer questions below on SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. In the early days of our nation, what was the only group eligible to vote? (p. 293) WHITE ADULT MALES WITH PROPERTY (2) What are 3 constitutional amendments that expanded the right to vote? (p. 294) 15TH, 19TH, 26TH AMENDMENTS (3) Write a sentence that includes the following words: polling place, precinct, ballot. EXAMPLE: VOTERS CAST BALLOTS AT THEIR POLLING PLACE BASED ON THE PRECINCT WHERE THEY LIVE. Read page 296 & answer questions below on SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. (4) Why is the secret ballot important? MEANT TO PROTECT VOTERS FROM INTIMIDATION, GUARANTEE THEIR PRIVACY, & PROMOTE FREEDOM OF CHOICE (5) What is absentee voting, & who might vote absentee? VOTING EARLY BY MAIL; OFTEN FOR STUDENTS, PEOPLE WHO ARE SICK, OR THOSE IN THE MILITARY & CAN’T GET TO THE POLLING PLACE
Exit Ticket – 6.4: Read pages 299 & answer questions below on SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. (6) What are three reasons that some citizens do not vote? (p. 299) VOTER APATHY (LACK OF INTEREST), DON’T FEEL CANDIDATES SPEAK TO THEIR CONCERNS, & FORGOT TO RE-REGISTER AFTER MOVING (7) What are three reasons that citizens vote? (p. 299) CHOOSE GOVT LEADERS, VOICE OPINION ON PAST PERFORMANCE OF PUBLIC OFFICIALS, EXPRESS OPINION ON PUBLIC ISSUES
Exit Ticket – 6.5: Read pages 301-304 & answer the questions below on a SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. How has the purpose of national conventions changed in its original purpose of choosing a party’s nominees? (p. 302) TO KICK OFF THE CAMPAIGN & RALLY MEMBERS OF THE PARTY TOGETHER (2) How is the total of 538 Electoral College votes determined? (p. 303) # OF U.S. SENATORS (EACH STATE HAS 2) PLUS # OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE (BASED ON STATES’ POPULATIONS) (3) In the Electoral College system, how exactly does popular vote matter? (p. 303) POPULAR VOTE WINNER IN EACH STATE DECIDES WHICH CANDIDATE GETS THAT STATE’S ELECTORS (4) Summarize the three steps in a presidential election campaign. (p. 302) EACH PARTY NOMINATES A CANDIDATE, CANDIDATES CAMPAIGN ACROSS THE U.S., & CITIZENS VOTE IN THE GENERAL ELECTION (5) What problems can arise with the Electoral College system based on our winner-take-all system? (p. 304) SOMETIMES THE PERSON WHO WINS THE MOST VOTES NATION-WIDE, LOSES THE ELECTION B/C THEY DON’T WIN A MAJORITY OF ELECTORAL VOTES
Exit Ticket – 6.5: Read pages 306-309 & answer the questions below on a SEPARATE SHEET OF PAPER. (6) What is the purpose of political campaigns? (p. 306) TO CONVINCE THE PUBLIC TO VOTE FOR A PARTICULAR CANDIDATE (7) What are four things that are involved in political campaigns? (p. 306-307) ACCEPTABLE ANSWERS INCLUDE: THE CANDIDATE, THE ISSUES, THE CAMPAIGN ORGANIZATION, & THE MONEY CANVASSING, ENDORSEMENTS, ADVERTISING, FUNDRAISING (MONEY) (8) What are five sources of private campaign contributions? (p. 308) CITIZENS, INTEREST GROUPS, CORPORATIONS, LABOR UNIONS, POLITICAL ACTION COMMITTEES (PACs) (9) What act was passed in 2002 that limited soft money campaign contributions to federal candidates or national political parties? (p. 309) McCAIN-FEINGOLD ACT