$cholarships & Financial Aid for Undocumented Students Specific scholarships targeted for Undocumented Students Financial Aid at the community colleges & universities (Private/Public) Resources & Links
Reaching out to local churches, community based organizations to see what scholarships they offer. Summer Enrichment programs at institutions that have scholarships available to participants who are admitted to the institution their Senior Year of high school. Current Undergraduates, can explore institutional scholarships - academic, community service, leadership or by degree/major. Seek in establishing a Go Fund Me account and do your individual fundraising.
It even list scholarships at public institutions in IL. http://www.chooseyourfuture.org/sites/default/files/2013-14_scholarship_guide.pdf CPS College & Career Preparation Office update their scholarship database yearly and state whether the scholarship requires citizenship status or not. It even list scholarships at public institutions in IL.
http://www. chooseyourfuture http://www.chooseyourfuture.org/sites/default/files/2013-14_scholarship_guide.pdf
$10,000 - H.S. Juniors 2.7 GPA / Community Service/ Plan on attending an accredited institution. Deadline May 1, 2014. http://shop.nordstrom.com/c/nordstrom-cares-scholarship
http://theanheloproject.org/ The Anhelo Project is a group of student leaders, Alumni and staff from various campus-based organizations at high schools, colleges, and universities in Chicago. Our goal is to support undocumented students, who despite growing up in the United States and earning their high school diplomas, continuously face challenging road blocks when pursuing a post-secondary education. This scholarship is open to current undergraduates at accredited institutions.
http://asoft9140. accrisoft. com/illcf/index. php http://asoft9140.accrisoft.com/illcf/index.php?src=gendocs&ref=scholarship_application
http://www. niu. edu/lrc/dream/OLE%20Scholarship%20Application%202013 http://www.niu.edu/lrc/dream/OLE%20Scholarship%20Application%202013.pdf
In 2009, the Inclusion, Access, and Success Committee (formerly Human Relations)of IACAC published its first edition of the College Advising Guide for Undocumented Students designed to provide assistance to high school counselors and other individuals who work with undocumented students. We are asking for your assistance in both updating and expanding the Guide. Ask your institution to answer a short survey about its admission procedures and financial aid and scholarship offerings for undocumented students. So that everyone can be aware of their resources. http://www.iacac.org/undocumented/admission-policies/