Telex network Volf
What is Teleprinter? Teleprinters are electromechanical typewriters that can be used to send and receive messages over various types of communication channels. The teleprinter evolved through a series of inventions by a number of engineers (Samuel Morse etc.)
Teleprinters were invented in order to send and receive messages without the need for operators trained in the use of Morse code. A system of two teleprinters, with one operator trained to use a typewriter, replaced two trained Morse code operators. The teleprinter system improved message speed and delivery time, making it possible for messages to be flashed across a country with little manual intervention.
Telex Network? The telex network is a switched network of teleprinters similar to a telephone network, for the purposes of sending text-based messages. Customers on any telex exchange could deliver messages to any other, around the world. To lower line usage, telex messages were normally first encoded onto paper tape and then read into the line as quickly as possible. The system normally delivered information at 50 baud or approximately 66 words per minute encoded using the International Telegraph Alphabet No. 2.
Transmitter trancribes button presses into binary which consists of 5 bits for each letter.
Each teleprinter consists of 2 base parts Transmitter Reciever
Telex network itself Telex began in Germany as a research and development program in 1926 that became an operational teleprinter service in 1933. The service, operated by the Reichspost had a speed of 50 baud — approximately 66 words per minute. Telex service spread within Europe and (particularly after 1945) around the world.
By 1978, West Germany, including West Berlin, had 123,298 telex connections. Long before automatic telephony became available, most countries, even in central Africa and Asia, had at least a few high-frequency telex links. Telex is still in operation, though through times it has been superseded by fax, email, SWIFT and so on.